闻香识女人 Scent of a Woman 探戈舞经典片段中英文对白-经典爱情电影台词

闻香识女人 Scent of a Woman 探戈舞经典片段中英文对白-经典爱情电影台词


旁边的那是谁 Who are we drinking with?
我闻到了香皂水的清香 I'm getting a nice soap-and-water feeling from down there.
-一位女性  -女性 - A female. - Female?
你称她为"女性" You're callin' her female,
说明你喜欢她  不然你不会这么说 must mean you like her or you wouldn't be so casual.
-她一个人吗  -是的  一个人 - Is she alone? - Yeah, she's alone.
太棒了  头发是栗色的吗 Things are heatin' up. Chestnut hair?
是棕色  浅棕色的 Brown. Light brown.
22岁 Twenty-two?
我又不是算命的 What am I, a guy at a carnival?
查理  永远不要停止观察 The day we stop lookin', Charlie, is the day we die.
走 Move.
-去哪儿  -孩子  你知道的 - Where? - You know where, son.
别害羞  查理 Don't be coy, Charlie.
这女人就是为你而存在的  我感觉得到 This woman is made for you. I can feel it.
她真美  对不对 Goddamn beautiful, isn't she?
-是不错  -很好  终于像个人了 - She's not bad. - Whoo-bingo! The boy's alive.
来  小子  慢慢地走过去 Come on, son, perambulate.
慢慢走过去 Perambulate.
打扰了  小姐 Excuse me, senorita,
介意我们与你同坐吗 do you mind if we join you?
好像没人陪着你 I'm feelin' you're being neglected.
我只是在等人 Well, I'm expecting somebody.
人马上到吗 Instantly?
-不  不过随时会到  -随时会到 - No, but any minute now. - Any minute?
有些人一分钟就过尽了一生 Some people live a lifetime in a minute.
-你现在在做什么  -我在等他 - What are you doin' right now? - I'm waiting for him.
介意我们陪你一起等吗 Would you mind if we waited with you,
以防有登徒浪子来骚扰你 you know, just to keep the womanizers from bothering you?
我不介意 No, I don't mind.
谢谢 Thank you.
查理 Charlie.
我闻到了空气中的芬芳 You know, I detect a fragrance in the air.
不要告诉我是什么 Don't tell me what it is.
是欧吉维姐妹香皂 Ogilvie Sisters soap.
太神奇了 Ah, that's amazing.
我干的就是神奇的行当 I'm in the amazing business!
就是欧吉维姐妹香皂 It is Ogilvie Sisters soap.
圣诞节时  外婆送给我三块这种香皂 My grandmother gave me three bars for Christmas.
我太喜欢你外婆了 I'm crazy about your grandmother.
我想她也一定会喜欢查理 I think she'd have liked Charlie too.
-别理他  -你叫什么名字 - Don't pay any attention to him. - What's your name?
唐娜 Donna.
唐娜  我叫弗兰克  这位是... Donna? I'm Frank. This here is...
查理 This is Charlie.
没错  她喜欢你 Yes. She likes you.
查理这个周末可不好过 Charlie's having a difficult weekend.
他最近遇到点麻烦 He's going through a crisis.
你看他能应付得来吗 How does he look like he's holding up?
他看着还不错 He looks fine to me.
她是喜欢你  查理 She does like you, Charlie.
唐娜 So, Donna,
你会跳探戈吗 do you tango?
不会  我以前也想学  可是 No. I wanted to learn once, but...
可是什么 But?
可是迈克尔不想学 But Michael didn't want to.
迈克尔就是你要等的人 Michael, the one you're waiting for.
迈克尔觉得探戈很可笑 Michael thinks the tango's hysterical.
我觉得他才可笑 Well, I think Michael's hysterical.
别理他  好像已经说过了 Don't pay any attention to him. Did I already say that?
多甜美的笑声 What a beautiful laugh.
谢谢你  弗兰克 Thank you, Frank.
你想学跳探戈吗  唐娜 Would you like to learn to tango, Donna?
现在吗 Right now?
我可以教你 I'm offering you my services.
免学费 Free of charge.
你觉得怎么样 What do you say?
我有点害怕 I think I'd be a little afraid.
害怕什么 Of what?
我害怕自己会出错 Afraid of making a mistake.
跳舞和人生不一样  无所谓错不错 No mistakes in the tango, not like life.
简单就是探戈的魅力 It's simple. That's what makes the tango so great.
哪怕步子乱成一团  跳下去就好了 If you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on.
为什么不试试呢 Why don't you try?
你想试试吗 Will you try it?
好吧  那我试试 All right. I'll give it a try.
扶我一下  孩子 Hold me down, son.
把手给我 Your arm.
查理 Charlie,
给我说一下这里的尺寸  孩子 I'm gonna need some coordinates here, son.
舞池宽约20英尺  长约30 The floor's about 20 by 30,
你现在站在长的这一边上 And you're at the long end.
外面是餐桌  乐队在右手边 There's tables on the outside. The band's on the right.
弗兰克  你跳得真好 Oh, Frank, you are one incredible dancer.
那是你没见过查理跳 Wait'll you see Charlie dance.
他骗你呢  我不会跳舞 He's a liar. I don't dance.
他可真招人喜欢 Isn't he a charmer, though?
其实他不光会跳舞 Truth is, not only can he dance,
还会唱歌呢 but he'll sing you a hell of a tune.
他会学鸟叫  还会模仿贝拉•卢戈西[影星]He can do bird calls and imitate Bela Lugosi.
宝贝 Hi, honey.
迈克尔  这是弗兰克和查理 Michael, this is Frank and this is Charlie.
你们好  弗兰克  查理 Hi, Frank, Charlie.
对不起  我来晚了 I'm sorry I'm late.
没关系 Oh, that's okay.
有这两位先生陪我 These two gentlemen entertained me,
时光飞逝 and time flew.
你女朋友的探戈跳得真不错 Your girl is a hell of a tango dancer.
你终于找到陪你跳探戈的人了  太好了 You found someone to tango with. That's terrific!
那我可要谢谢你 Let me shake your hand.
不是他  是弗兰克 No, it was Frank.
那我要谢谢你们两个 Hell, I'll shake both your hands!
亲爱的  这地方不错  可我们得走了 Honey, this looks like the place, but we gotta go.
我们约了达瑞尔和卡罗尔在乡下见面 We got a date with Darryl and Carol in the village.
账单呢 Do you have a check?
迈克尔  我来付  这是我的荣幸 Michael, please. My pleasure.
不用  我自己来 No, no. I got this.
迈克尔  把钱包收回去  我来 Michael, get your hand outta your pocket. I'll take it. Really.
让我来 Allow me.
好吧  谢谢你 Why, thank you.
再见 Bye, guys.
再见 Bye.

