第1460期:Hygge:the secret to a happy winter

第1460期:Hygge:the secret to a happy winter


Imagine this scene: it's blowing a gale outside, you're snuggled up on the sofa under a warm duvet, chatting and reminiscing with your closest friends. 


That content, snug feeling has a name in Danish – 'hygge'. 


And, as Denmark recently won the title of 'happiest country in the world', the rest of the world is becoming more and more interested in finding ways to embrace this concept.


'Hygge' - originally from a Norwegian word meaning 'wellbeing' - doesn't have an exact equivalent in English.“Hygge”——


It's often translated as cosiness, or as blogger Anna West told the BBC, ''cosiness of the soul." 

它通常被翻译为舒适,或者正如博主 Anna West 告诉 BBC 的那样,“灵魂的舒适”。

But, as translator ToveMaren Stakkestad explains: "Hygge was never meant to be translated. It was meant to be felt."

但是,正如翻译者 ToveMaren Stakkestad 解释的那样:“Hygge 从来就不是用来翻译的。它是用来感受的。”

Essentially, Hygge involves creating a warm, cosy atmosphere and enjoying it with your loved ones. 

从本质上讲,Hygge 涉及营造一个温暖、舒适的氛围,并与您所爱的人一起享受它。

Danish winters are long and dark and so achieving 'hygge' is particularly relevant during this season. 


A typical 'hygge' activity during winter could be, enjoying delicious homemade food and light-hearted conversation with friends – preferably in the warm glow of candlelight; or maybe sipping a glass of mulled wine in the hot tub after a day spent skiing.


However, Hygge isn't only confined to the bleak winter months – it can also describe that warm, fuzzy feeling you get after a walk through a forest with friends on summer's day or a family barbecue in the park.

然而,Hygge 不仅限于寒冷的冬季——它还可以描述您在夏日与朋友在森林中散步或在公园里进行家庭烧烤后所获得的温暖、模糊的感觉。

The concept of 'hygge' is currently taking the world by storm with more and more people becoming obsessed with achieving a state of wellbeing.  


Articles, books and stocking fillers, full of tips on how to achieve hygge, are hitting the market. 

文章、书籍和袜子填充物,充满了如何实现 hygge 的技巧,正在进入市场。

Although, some believe this has become a marketing and advertising ploy, the benefits of staying happy cannot be underestimated.


So, as the winter nights draw in, instead of hibernating, get into your favourite onesie, bake some cookies and curl up by a roaring fire with a good book. 


And if you can do this with friends and family, even better - hygge is meant to be shared.

如果您可以与朋友和家人一起做到这一点,那就更好了 - hygge 是用来分享的。


blowing a gale 狂风正起,刮着大风
snuggle up 舒适地蜷缩;偎依
duvet (羽绒)被褥
snug 温暖舒适的
wellbeing 安宁健康,幸福
homemade food 在家里自制的食物
warm glow of candlelight 温暖的烛光
mulled wine (圣诞期间常见的)热葡萄酒
bleak 寒冷刺骨的
fuzzy feeling 飘飘然的、惬意的感觉
stocking filler (适合放在圣诞袜里的)圣诞小礼品
draw in (天黑得)渐早
hibernate (动物)冬眠(这里是幽默的说法)
onesie 居家连体服
curl up 蜷缩,窝着
roaring fire 烧得正旺的火,熊熊火焰 

  • 1503345mrcl


    晨听英语 回复 @1503345mrcl: 英式

  • ivyhmbei


    晨听英语 回复 @ivyhmbei: 有文本呀

  • Bodhi杰

    读的不错,要是文本最后面的单词有带读就更好了或者标记上拼读上去,都行 也建议把后面的文章的单词或者短语放在文章最前面,这样听力的时候后有熟悉感,不会太陌生 音频不错,以后每天跟你们学习的