



abscission--n.The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operation.

abscond--v.To depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest.

absence--n.The fact of not being present or available.

absent-minded--adj.Lacking in attention to immediate surroundings or business.

absolution--n.Forgiveness, or passing over of offenses.

absolve--v.To free from sin or its penalties.

absorb--v.To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water.

absorption--n.The act or process of absorbing.

abstain--v.To keep oneself back (from doing or using something).

abstemious--adj.Characterized by self denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink, food.

abstinence--n.Self denial.

abstruse--adj.Dealing with matters difficult to be understood.

absurd--adj.Inconsistent with reason or common sense.


abusive--adj.Employing harsh words or ill treatment.

abut--v.To touch at the end or boundary line.

abyss--n.Bottomless gulf.

academic--adj.Of or pertaining to an academy, college, or university.

academician--n.A member of an academy of literature, art, or science.

academy--n.Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught.

accede--v.To agree.

accelerate--v.To move faster.

accept--v.To take when offered.

access--n.A way of approach or entrance; passage.


accession--n.Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government.

accessory--n.A person or thing that aids the principal agent.

acclaim--v.To utter with a shout.

accommodate--v.To furnish something as a kindness or favor.

accompaniment--n.A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part.

accompanist--n.One who or that which accompanies.

accompany--v.To go with, or be associated with, as a companion.

accomplice--n.An associate in wrong-doing.

accomplish--v.To bring to pass.

