



abase--v. To lower in position, estimation, or thelike; degrade.

abbess--n. The lady superior of a nunnery.

abbey--n. The group of buildings which collectivelyform the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.

abbot--n. The superior of a community of monks.

abdicate--v. To give up (royal power or the like).

abdomen--n. In mammals, the visceral cavity betweenthe diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly.

abdominal--n. Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen.

abduction--n. A carrying away of a person against hiswill, or illegally.

abed--adv. In bed; on a bed.

aberration--n. Deviation from a right, customary, orprescribed course.

abet--v. To aid, promote, or encourage thecommission of (an offense).

abeyance--n. A state of suspension or temporaryinaction.

abhorrence--n. The act of detesting extremely.

abhorrent--adj. Very repugnant; hateful.

abidance--n. An abiding.

abject--adj. Sunk to a low condition.

abjure--v. To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath.

able-bodied--adj. Competent for physical service.

ablution--n. A washing or cleansing, especially of thebody.

abnegate--v. To renounce (a right or privilege).

abnormal--adj. Not conformed to the ordinary rule orstandard.

abominable--adj. Very hateful.

abominate--v. To hate violently.

abomination--n. A very detestable act or practice.

aboriginal--adj. Primitive; unsophisticated.

aborigines--n. The original of earliest known inhabitantsof a country.

aboveboardadv. &--adj. Without concealment, fraud, or trickery.

abrade--v. To wear away the surface or some part ofby friction.

abrasion--n. That which is rubbed off.

abridge--v.  Tomake shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minorparticles.

abridgment--n.A condensed form as of a book or play.

abrogate--v.To abolish, repeal.

abrupt--adj.Beginning, ending, or changing suddenly or with a break.

abscess--n.A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body.

