AEE 1781- Why Native English Conversations Aren't Linear and How to Follow Them

AEE 1781- Why Native English Conversations Aren't Linear and How to Follow Them



This is an all ears. English podcast episodes. 1781 why native English conversations aren't linear and how to follow them? Welcome to the all ears. English podcast downloaded more than 200 million times. Are you feeling stuck with your English? Will show you how to become fearless and fluent by focusing on connection.


Not perfection with your American hosts, Lindsay McMahon the English adventure, and Michelle Kaplan, the New York radio girl coming to you from Colorado and New York City. USA to get real time transcripts right on your phone and create your personalized. Vocabulary list try the all ears English app for iOS and Android.


Start your seven-day free trial at all years. forward, slash app, your textbooks have taught you in correctly. Native English conversations, never follow a straight line today, learn what native say when they are about to veer away from the main point recognize and use these phrases to connect better.


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That's and enter Aussie 15 at checkout to save 15% today. Hello, Michelle, how's it going? Hey, Lindsay, good good. I am so excited to be here today to talk to you. We have a fun topic for today, don't we? We do. We do we do? Absolutely. I'm excited because today's topic is gonna be so incredibly real Michelle.


Yeah, definitely, definitely, you know what? I had a great weekend side. Now I have to ask you something later about one of our episodes so just remind me. Michelle are you over there taking notes or something? What is happening? You know what's going on? I'm really gonna just said no but you know I didn't actually I'm not taking notes but we're gonna talk more about that today.


So this this expression so this is a lot of fun so maybe but before we get into notes and site notes and all the different notes we want to thank everyone who has reviewed us, right? Lindsay. Yeah, I want to call it a couple of special listeners who wrote reviews and rated us wherever they listen to podcasts, right?


That could be Apple podcast, it could be castbox. Google podcasts Spotify, wherever it is. I want to thank you. So I'm a mare genoc song from Korea, Matab from Iran. Thank you to well lead to from Egypt. Wow! That's fantastic listeners from Egypt. Shout from Saudi Arabia and special thanks to Omeed Regime from the United Kingdom.

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