Sam and the Robots 山姆和机器人 | 原版英语童话故事

Sam and the Robots 山姆和机器人 | 原版英语童话故事


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Well, hello everyone, I hope you are all well and had a good week.

It's really cold here in England today, it's meant to be nice and sunny at being spring, but it's actually a quite cold. I hope it's nice and warm wherever you are.

I was talking to a girl this morning who lives in Japan, and she was saying it was lovely morn. She was saying it was too hot. I'd like to be somewhere where it's really hot, nice and warm.

I'm gonna show you a picture of the book that we're going to read today. I wonder if you can work out what time of the year this picture is? I think it's quite easy,  I think you're gonna know straight away. Let’s have a look.
我要给你们看看今天要读的书籍的图片。(※ 声音封面图)我想知道你能否看出这幅图片展示的是哪个季节?这问题,只要看一眼图片你就能回答出来,让我们来看看。

Well, can you see the picture?

Do you think it's winter? Emm...No. Do you think it's the autumn? No.

Do you think it's spring which is the season we're in at the moment? Emm...No.

Do you think it might be the summer? Yes, I think you're right. I think it is the summer.

Have a look at the picture. The boy, Sam, is eating the ice cream.

Look at his ice cream. How many scoops of ice cream does he have? One, two, three, four. I think the bottom one is vanilla, then chocolate, then strawberry, but I'm not sure on the one on the top. Maybe you can work it out.

And what are behind him? They are some robots. That's an unusual word. A robot is a machine, normally made out of metal. And it does things like it can do different jobs, or sometimes we have robots that work in factories building cars.

Look at the robots here, they look like they are real people. Look at their faces, not sure whether we have robots like that. We do see them some places. I was reading about hotels that sometimes have robots at the front of the hotel. That was in Japan as well.

But can you see what's behind the robots? There's a sandcastle. I wonder whether you've ever built a sandcastle. They're great fun to do on the beach.

At the seaside where I live, the seaside is about 10 minutes away in a car. So not very far, I live quite close to the seaside. But where I live, the seaside there's no sand. It's stones what we call shingle.

It's a funny word, isn't it? Pebbles stones that are on the beach, not very good for making sandcastles. Can't really make a stone castle because it would all fall to pieces.

So this is our story today. It's another modern story. So we've looked at some old stories and we've looked at some modern stories. This one's a modern story.

Okay, so within this story, we've got Sam. Can you see the picture of Sam?

I think he's been making things, I wonder whether you ever make things.

Can you see all the things in the picture? There is a hammer. Can you see the hammer? It's a blue hammer. There are is a paintbrush, a pencil, some glue, lots of other things as well.


And if you can see the spade? It's sort of hiding in the corner. Can you see the tools at the top? They're hanging up to do all the different jobs.


「Sam was good at building things. One day he built a robot.」

「"I'm Pod," said the robot. "Who are you?"」

「"I'm Sam," said Sam. "Pleased to meet you."」

Now, if you look at this page here, we've got some commas, inverted commas, some speech marks. And tells us that the person is actually saying it.

「"I'm Sam," said Sam. "Pleased to meet you."」

We call it direct speech, it's when somebody is talking. So sometimes in a story, we have the narrator, the person telling the story. And sometimes we have the direct speech, It's actually people talking.

So we use these speech marks here and they go at the beginning and at the end of the sentence, or the words the phrase that the people are saying.

And the robot's name, Pod. That's quite a good name, isn't it? A little bit different.

So we got Sam and Pod.


「Pod the robot liked to build things, too.」

Can you see that word that we've come across that before? too, t-o-o, it means "as well" here.
你能看到我们以前遇到过的那个单词吗?“too”和“as well”一样有着“也”的意思。

「"What shall we build now?" asked Sam one day.」

「"Umm...Can we build another robot please?" said Pod.」

I wonder whether you could build a robot. I'm not sure whether I could. I think you might be better than that I would be.

「So Sam and Pod built a new robot. She was called Boots. 」


「Boots was a football robot and she was VERY good at her job. She scored goal after goal after goal.」


「Sam's school won the next match and the next one. In fact, soon they had won ALL the football matches.」


Can you see the score? It's 23 goals to 0. Nothing.

And can you see the word "VERY"? It's written in capital letters and all is written in capital letters, that tells us it's the important word in the sentence.


「She was VERY...」

So we've got Pod and now we've got Boots and she is a football robot.

Football, sometimes we call this game "soccer" but in England we call it "football". I wonder whether you've ever played football. Children in England play football, nearly every day. And girls play football and boys play football. It's a very popular game.

Look at the robot, look, look where the ball is? It's in the net and the goalkeeper has dived to try to save it. But...He's dived the wrong way.

「Sam and Pod built another new robot. He was called Dinner-Whizz.」

「Dinner-Whizz was a robot who served school dinners. Dinner-Whizz was VERY good at his job and served tasty school dinners on plate after plate.」

So can you see all the food that Dinner-Whizz is serving? I wonder if you like any of the food that you can see before you.

On the big plate, there's sausage and mash, mashed potato with carrots and peas; and then on the others, there's some salad, I can see some tomatoes.


But this is Dinner-Whizz. Whizz got a "z" at the end. In America, they call that letter a "z [zi:]", but in English, we call it a "z [zed]". Okay? a "z [zed]", a "z [zi:]".

「Dinner-Whizz was a robot who served school dinners.」


So school dinners it's a funny word because dinner is something we have in the evening, but a school dinner is another name for lunch. And I think the children look quite happy getting their school lunch.
“school dinner”是一个有趣的单词,因为“dinner”通常指的是晚餐,但“school dinner”是午餐的另一个名字。我认为孩子们看起来都非常开心,对他们的校园午餐很满意。

In England, most schools cooker meal for the students to eat although you can take a little picnic, a pack to lunch from home if you want to, but most schools they have a hot meal in the day. And it's called a school dinner.

I wonder when you go to school whether you have a school dinner.

「Sam and Pod then built one more robot, called Chock. 」


「Chock was a robot who made yummy chocolates and he was also great at his job. Everybody in the town wanted to eat Chock's tasty chocolates.」


Now, this is the sort of robot that I want to build. One that can make yummy chocolates.

I love chocolates, I wonder whether you love chocolates. Oh, I think I could probably eat all of those, but...If I did, I think my tummy would be too big and I would end up with tummy ache.


But I do love chocolates. That's I would like a robot called Chock.

And can you see it's "Chock's tasty chocolates"? The chocolates that he made belong to him. So we've got an apostrophe and an "s" because his name is Chock, there're his chocolates, he's made them, so they are "Chock's tasty chocolates".
你能看到它写着的是 "Chock's tasty chocolates(乔克的美味巧克力)"吗?他做的巧克力是属于他的。所以我们有一个撇号和一个 "s",因为机器人的名字是乔克,这些是他制作的巧克力,所以它们是 "乔克的美味巧克力"。

Chocolate is a funny word, isn't it? It's quite an easy word to spell but it looks quite a long word: cho-co-lates.

「Sam and Pod kept on building new robots and soon the town was full of busy robots all working hard.”」

「All day long, they swept and they mopped and they mopped and they swept. The whole town was sparkling clean.Everybody was happy as nobody else needed to work at all.」


I would like this robot in my house. It could tidy up, tidy up my room which is always a bit messy, too many books around. I sometimes leave them on the floor, Mrs Moore tells me off. She says "Tidy up your room".
我希望我的房子里有这种机器人。它可以整理我的房间,我的房间总是有点乱,周围有太多的书。我有时会把书放在地板上,摩尔夫人就会责怪我,她会说 "把你的房间整理好"。

I would like a robot that could tidy up my study the room I'm working in and tidy up my house. That would be really good.

Look, can you see the robot right at the top of the house cleaning the windows? And the robots all look happy, and they're even washing and cleaning the cars.

I wish somebody would come and wash my car, it's a bit dirty at the moment.

「One day though, it all went wrong. The robots had become too busy and they couldn't stop cleaning.」


「"Stop!" said Sam. But the robots just kept on working and working.」


Look at the people's faces in the picture, they don't look too happy now. The robots just won't stop cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning...Oh dear, it all went wrong.

“Boots scored 10 goals...through 10 windows at school. CRASH! TINKLE!”


That's the sound of the breaking glass, you don't kick balls at a window, do you? That's not a very good thing to do, very dangerous.

But look, he's been kicking the balls at the window and the glass has gone crash and tinkle. And those words sound like the sound they make - "CRASH!", "TINKLE!", that's the glass breaking.

But Boots kept on scoring goals through one window after another. CRASH! TINKLE!

Oh dear, can you see the teacher there? Looks a bit like me, we got the same color hair and we're both wearing glasses. I don't think he looks too happy.

Look at the children, they're going "Oh!". Oh dear, imagine if that happened to you...Wouldn't be very good, would it?


「Dinner-Whizz didn't stop serving school dinners even though all the plates were full.」


「"Stop, Dinner-Whizz!" cried Sam.」


「But Dinner-Whizz kept on serving and soon the school was full of dinners.」

Even I couldn't eat all of those, look at many plates there are, they just keep coming and coming and coming. And look at Dinner-Whizz's arms, he's got lots of arms.

「Chock made all the wrong chocolates.」

「"Oh please stop, Chock!" cried Sam. "Nobody wants chocolate carrots or chocolate pencils!"」

「But Chock would not stop. He just kept on making the wrong chocolates, and soon...the whole town was full of chocolates.」


I don't want to eat a chocolate pencil and I don't think I'd want a chocolate carrot.

「Even Pods started to go wrong. 」


「"I know what's wrong," said Sam. "You robots need a holiday!"」


「"What's a holiday?" asked Pod.」

「"On a holiday, you have time to rest and have fun," said Sam.」


「"Yes please," said Pod."As long as we can work, too..."」


I don't think you're meant to work on a holiday. You're meant to have a nice relaxing time.

「So Sam and the robots got on a train to the seaside.」


「"The train is fun - as long as we can still work," said Pod.」


「The robots started to work. They swept and they mopped and they mopped and they swept. Soon, the whole train was sparkling clean.」

I think that might be quite nice to clean up the train. Looks very smart now.

「At last, the train got to the seaside.」


「"Now we can rest and have some fun," said Sam.」


「"The seaside does look fun!" said Pod.」


「"All that sand needs sweeping away! All that water needs mopping up!"」


Oh dear, these robots can't stop cleaning. They can't stop being robots.

「The robots started work. They swept at the sand, and they mopped up the water. 」


「But the more they swept, the more sand there was. The more they mopped, the more water there was.」

Now, you know on a beach, the sea is huge, you're never gonna be able to mop it all up. You're not gonna be able to sweep all the sand away, are you?

「"No! Robots, please stop!" cried Sam. "You don't work on holiday! You have a rest in the sunshine, like this."」

「Sam lay down to have a rest. So then all the robots lay down, too.」


Can you see them having a sunbathed, a rest?

Can you see the seagull, that's on top of the umbrella? We call this a parasol, stops the sun from burning your body; being too bright in your eyes, but look... they've all got sunglasses on - I wonder whether you ever wear sunglasses.

「But soon, all the robots were bored. Pod and the others got up again.」

「"Robots don't rest," said Pod. "We're bored. We need to keep busy."」


「Then Sam had an idea. "I know what we need to do," he said.」

What do you think it's gonna happen, should we find out.

「Sam, Pod and all the other robots got busy. They worked hard together in the sand. They dug and they built, and they built and they dug.」


What do you think they're going to be making? Hmm...should we find out. I think you might have guessed.

「Sam and the robots built a big sandcastle.」


「They kept on building all day long, and the sandcastle got bigger and bigger and bigger!」


「"We've built a good sandcastle!" said the robots in the end.」


「"No," said Sam, "you've built a GREAT sandcastle!"」


Can you see the sandcastle? Can you see the crab? It's holding up the flag. And there's some pretty shells as well, and some feathers and some little windmills. What a lovely sandcastle they've built.

「Then Sam said, "Now we'll all eat an ice cream."」


「"What's an ice cream?" asked Pod.」


「"It's a tasty, cold food," said Sam.」

「"No, we need cold, yummy oil, please," said Pod.」


「"Yes please, cold, yummy oil," said all the robots.」


Now, oil we have in cars but it keeps the machines working really well. And the robots want to drink oil. We wouldn't want to drink oil, not the type of oil that they need. Err...

But they look very happy, don't they?  Look at their faces, I think they're all smiling.

「Sam and the robots got the last train back from the seaside.」


「"It was a great holiday," said Pod, "But we will be happy to get back home."」


「"And we will be VERY happy to get back to work!" said the other robots.」


There we are. So that is the story of Sam and the robots. The robots couldn't help but do lots of different jobs, they couldn't stop working. I wonder how much work you do. I bet you do lots.

Sometimes we say "people are like a robot" because they're always tidying up. There's always something to be done, isn't there? There's always some tidying up to do.
有时候我们会说"people are like a robot(人就像机器人一样)",因为人们总是在收拾东西。总有一些事情要做,不是吗?总是有一些整理的工作要做。

