



- Brenda Feldman.

- What is that? - A poem I have written for Brenda Feldman.

-Of course it is.

-I put my thoughts into words and now my words into action.

- Hey, I'll give you 50 bucks not to do this.

- I'm 11 years old. What am I gonna do with money?

- What are you gonna do with a 16-year-old?

- He's like a bullfighter. - Mmm. You ever see a bullfight?

- I can't watch this. - You're in such a bad mood.

-And I know why. It's because that man thought you were my father.

-No. - Yes.

- No. - When you say "No" like that, it's always "Yes."

-Come on. We're in the mall.

-Let's get you, like, some younger clothes.

- There's a store there. - I don't need any younger clothes.

-And I don't care what some jackass in a pair of ripped jeans thinks about me.

-Good. You shouldn't.

-You should only care what I think.  I love you, and I don't care how old you are.

-So stop being a gloomy goose and stop being so hard on Manny.

-The only reason I'm hard on Manny Is just because I don't wanna see him make a fool of himself.了And I can smell that hair goo of his from here.


