17.High School English Reading Listening

17.High School English Reading Listening


Paul couldn’t sleep last night. He woke up early and sat up, and then he lay down again. He felt terrible. “I must be sick,” he thought. “but I must study for that test.”
  He got up and looked for his history notebook. He finally found it under a pile of clothes on a chair. He went over his history notes, but he couldn’t remember any of the facts in the notes. “What shall I do?” he thought. He felt terrible.
  Just then Paul’s telephone rang. He put down his notebook and picked up the telephone.
  “Good morning,” Jack’s voice said, “You must be wrong about that test.”
  “What do you mean?” Paul asked weakly.
  “We’re not going to have the test today.” Jack said. “I wrote down the date in my notebook. The test will be next Wednesday; it isn’t today. How do you feel this morning?”
  “Fine,” said Paul. “Just fine!” Suddenly he really felt fine.
  "你是什么意思?" 保罗弱弱地问。
  "我们今天不准备进行测试。" 杰克说。"我在我的笔记本上写下了日期。考试将在下周三进行;不是今天。你今天早上感觉怎么样?"
  "很好,"保罗说。"就很好!" 突然间,他真的感觉很好。
last night 昨晚 ; 最后一夜
and then 然后
lay down 放下 ; 制定 ; (通常指用完后 搁下 ; 规定 ; 颁布
looked for 寻找,渴望
a pile of 一大堆
went over 越过 ; 检查
Just then 正在那时
put down 放下 ; 奚落的语言 ; 贬低的行为

