2.《必然》The inevitable

2.《必然》The inevitable


When I picked up the book Out of Control in 2015, it felt like a sci-fi-inspired prophecy book that was extremely imaginative, yet it was a very accurate dissection of the past, present and future of internet technology. I was very surprised to learn that the book was published in the US back in 1994. Out of Control has been a bestseller for decades since its publication. When The Matrix was still in preparation for filming before 1999, the director required all the actors to read the book before opening the script. Now we are looking back at Runaway and the prophecies about the internet, about media, about artificial intelligence and so on have been fulfilled with precision. Kevin Kelly wrote a book that predicted the future, and now we see how accurate his predictions are, so it's impossible for him not to be mythical. So Runaway is a book that we now hold in our hands, and although some of the examples in it may be a little dated, the message and ideas that Kevin Kelly was trying to prophesy at the time are becoming more and more real and visible!

