Nancy Lesson 9

Nancy Lesson 9


2022.4.18  Lesson 9

1. How are you these days?

2. How is everything these days?

3. How is everything going these days?

4. district  

5. positive 阳性的;积极的

6. the whole building 整座楼

7. print 打印  QR code 二唯码  scan 扫描v.  details 细节n.

8. packing 包装

9. company’s website 网址

10. promote the products and your company宣传产品和你的公司

11. We are having a promotion我们现在正在推广促销

12. go abroad = go to other countries =出国

13. 正在做:  be ( am, is, are ) + 动词ing

2. 动词加ing 的规则:

ü 直接加ing : walk-> walking ,  read-> reading

I am walking.   I am working.  He is reading books.

ü e加ing : ride-> riding , write -> writing

I am riding a bike.  He is riding a horse.

ü 双写,加ing:  swim -> swimming, run-> running

14. Are you coming for lunch? 你要来一起吃午饭吗?

Are you going to have lunch with me?

I am going to GZ tomorrow, are you coming with me?

I am cooking now. 我现在正在做饭。

I am cooking tonight. 我准备今晚做饭。

15. ask sb for a pay rise向某人要求涨薪

16. 基本工资basic salary

17. 固定工资fixed salary

18. 提成bonus=commission

He gets a basic salary plus commission.


19. temporary 临时的

20. decide to do sth 决定去做某事

I decide not to go to GZ. 决定不去

21. have/has + 动词过去分词 = 已经...

have/has +already+动词过去分词 = 已经...

I have already had my lunch. 我已经吃过午饭了

I have already checked the e-mail. 我已经看过邮件了。

have/has +just+动词过去分词 = 刚刚才做完..

I have just drunk some. 刚刚才喝过一些

He has just had his lunch. 刚刚吃完午餐。

He has just done his homework. 刚刚才做完他的作业

have/has + not + 动词过去分词 + yet = 还没做完..

I haven’t finished my class yet. 我还没下课呢?

Ihaven’t cooked my dinner yet.我还没做晚饭呢?

have/has + 主语 +动词过去分词 = 做完了吗?

Have you cooked dinner? 晚饭做好了吗?

I am afraid that you have to order some takeaway. 叫外卖

I am still working in the company.

I haven’t finished my work yet.

I have a big project to follow.

22. tour guide 导游

主语+be+ going to +动词原形:准备去..

I am going to Australia next month.


He is not going to Shanghai because of the Covid-19.


Are you going to go shopping tomorrow?


No, I am not.  Yes, I am.

Not tomorrow, but tonight.

23. employee 雇员;员工worker 工人

employer 雇主

employ 雇佣v.

dismiss解散v. 散会v.

interview 采访v. 面试n.

Can I interview you? 我能采访一下你吗?

He has a job interview tomorrow, so he is a little nervous now.


interviewee 面试者

interviewer 面试官

24. 达标meet the target(s)

25.  sack 解雇v.  workforce 劳动力

26. hire 雇佣v.   fire解雇v.

27. perform 表现v.  performance 表现n. 业绩n.

Our performance is very good this month,

we have met our targets.

So we are going to have a day off.

28. Thursday星期四

29. Wednesday星期三

30. Tuesday星期二

I am visiting clients

31. trade fair 交易会

32. trading company 贸易公司

33. That leaves Thursday这就剩下周四了

34. sound听起来v. 声音n.

That sounds great. 这听起来棒极了。

That sounds terrible. 这听起来很糟糕。

35. finance director 财务总监

