Nancy Lesson 8

Nancy Lesson 8


2022.4.04  Lesson 8

1. 你昨天去哪里吗?

Did you go anywhere yesterday?   

有啊。Yes, I did.

2. 你昨天去了哪里呢?

Where did you go yesterday?

3. 有哪里不舒服吗?

How do you feel?

Anything wrong? 有什么不对劲吗?

What’s the matter? 怎么了?

What happened? 发生什么事?

What’s wrong?

What’s the matter with your +部位

What’s wrong with your +部位

4. 发烧  have a fever = have a temperature

5. 喉咙痛 have a sore throat

6. 感冒 have a cold

7. 胃疼 have a stomachache  [ˈstʌməkeɪk]

8. 腰痛have a backache  [ˈbækeɪk]

9. 牙痛  have a toothache

10. 耳朵痛have an earache

11. 头疼 I have a headache

12. 流鼻水 have a runny nose

13. 重感冒 have a bad/terrible cold

14. sore 酸痛的

15. have sore eyes = 眼睛干涩 = dry eyes

16. 肌肉酸痛 have sore muscles

17. pain 疼痛n.

18. painful 痛的

19. I feel painful here. 我感到这里痛。

20. I feel painful all over. 我全身酸痛。

21. 肚子tummy= belly

22. belly dance 肚皮舞

23.  = medicine

24. 药丸 = pill = tablet

25. 服药take some medicine

26. 中药 traditional Chinese medicine

27. 西药 western medicine

28. 一天一次 once a day

29. 一天两次 twice a day

30. 一天三次 3 times a day

31. 测量体温 take your temperature

32. What is your temperature? 你温度多少呢?

33. 健康 health Health is very important. 健康是很重要的。

34. 健康的 healthy

It is important to have a healthy body. 去拥有健康的身体是很重要的。

35. without 没有..的话

Without a healthy body, you cannot do anything. 没有健康的身体,你什么都做不了。

35. Without his help, I can’t do it myself.

I can’t do it myself without his help. 没有他的帮忙,我自己做不来

Fish cannot live without water.鱼没有水就会死。

36. be dead 死了的;   die

Without water, you will be dead / die in 2 days.  

The shrimps are not alive活着的, they are dead, you need to give me a discount.

37.  What is their relationship? 他们俩是什么关系?

Husband and wife. = A couple = 夫妻

38. darling 亲爱的

39. They need to show their Yue Kang Code to show if they are healthy

40.  code 代码;码;密码

41.  passcode = password = 密码

42. face ID = 面容锁

43. coast 海岸

44. scenery = view = 风景

45. garden 花园

46. be with sb = 与某人在一起

47. My daughter is with her friends, they are going shopping now.

48. I am with my clients. 我正陪着我的客人呢。

49. do gardening 做园艺

50. contact 联系v.

51. contract 合同 n.  sign the contract 签合同

52. current 当前的;目前的adj.  

current projects当前的项目;手头上的项目

53. present 展示v.  礼物n.

Let me present it for you. = Let me show it to you.

He is going to have a presentation of our latest product tomorrow.


I am going to have a presentation of our company now.


54. launch 发布v.  

55. make some photocopies of ... 复印某物

56. copy 复制v. 仿制品n.

57. You are not allowed to take photos 你不被允许去拍照

because they are afraid that you will copy their designs 他们害怕你们会去复制他们的设计

58. the opening of the new branch


branch 树枝n. 分公司 n.

59. parent company 母公司

60. headquarter = HQ = 总部

61. at the end of = ...末尾

We live at the end of this street. 我家住在这条街的末尾。

62. at the beginning of .....的开头

From the beginning of this year, we have already sold ..


