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Chapter 3

A long time passed. Spring became summer, then summer became fall.

The trees by the lake turned bright yellow and red. The wind became

colder and colder.

Then one day, ugly duckling had some visitors. He saw a flock of the

most beautiful birds he had ever seen. They were as big as geese, but they

were as white as the clouds. They swam gracefully across the lake. Ugly

duckling wanted to say hello, but he was afraid.

I am too ugly. They would not like me . those birds are so beautiful. I

wish I was like them. He hid under a bush until the beautiful birds flew

away. That night, it got very ,very cold. Snow began to fall, and the lake

froze into ice. Ugly duckling swam and swam to stay warm. But it wasn’t

enough. He froze in the ice and couldn’t move.

The next morning, the sun came out. It shined brightly on the fresh snow.

It was a beautiful sight, but ugly duckling couldn’t see it . his eyes were

frozen shut. A farmer was walking by the lake that morning. He saw the

frozen duckling and ran over to him.

Aww.You poor, little thing. You are so cold. I will help you . you will be

warm in my house. My children will take good care of you. The farmer

broke the ice around ugly duckling. Then he wrapped him up in his scarf

and carried him home.

Children,look what I found.

What is it, papa?

It’s a little duckling. He was frozen on the lake. Let’s put him by the fire.

Then he will be warm.

I’ll get a blanket for him.

The farmer put the blanket by the fire. Then he put ugly duckling on the

blanket to get warm. Slowly, he began to warm up. He could move his

wings and legs again. Then he woke up.

Look! He’s alive!

Hooray! I want to pet him.

No, me first. I want to pet him.

No,he didn’t. he gave him to both of us.

The children reached for ugly duckling. They only wanted to play with

him, but he did not understand. He thought they wanted to hurt him. He

was very scared. He flapped his wings as hard as he could , and flew out

the door.

Aww, the duckling flew away.

That’s alright, children. He’s a wild bird. He’ll be ok.

Tommy scared him. That’s why he flew away.

Did not.

Did too



Ugly duckling flew back to his lake. He felt safe there. Finally winter

turned into spring. The days were warmer, the trees turned green again,

and the flowers bloomed.

One morning, the beautiful white birds came back to the lake. Ugly

duckling had been sad and alone for so long. He decided to try to make

friends. He swam up to one of the white birds.

Hello. Welcome to my lake. what kind of bird are you?

We’re swans. Don’t you know what swans are?

Swans?That’s a beautiful name. may I be your friend?

Well,of course.

Really?You like me , even if I’m ugly?

You’re not ugly. You’re very handsome.

This surprised ugly duckling. All his life, every one said he was ugly.

Now a beautiful swan said he was handsome. He looked down at the


When he saw his reflection, he was even more surprised. He was not ugly!

He was a swan!

What happened to me? I was gray and ugly. Now I have beautiful white


Of course. All our babies are gray. When we grow up, our feathers

become white. We must fly away soon. Would you like to fly with us?

Yes, please. But could we visit the farm first? I’d like to say good-bye to

my mother.

The swans flew away from the lake, and ugly duckling flew with them.

Soon they landed in the pond by the farm. All the animals stared at the

beautiful swans swimming in their pond. Ugly duckling found mother

duck and swam over to her.

Hello mother, do you remember me ? I’m your ugly duckling who ran


You are? I’m so happy to see you again. Look at how big you’ve grown.

You’re not a duck after all . what are you?

I’m a swan. I wanted to say good-bye to you, before I flew away with the

other swans.

You can stay with us on the farm. I missed you when you ran away.

No, I will stay with my new friends. I want you to know that I am very

happy now.

Thank you for being a good mother to me . good bye.

Fly safely, my son. I’m glad you are happy. Good bye .

The swans flew away to their summer home. One day, some children

came to the lake with bread. They broke the bread into pieces , and fed

the pieces to the swans.

Look! There’s a new swan.

He’s so graceful. He’s the most beautiful swan of them all.

But ugly duckling was not proud. He remembered how he felt when he

was ugly. He was never mean to any one because of how they looked.

A few years later, he married a lady swan. When their eggs hatched, their

babies were gray and ulgy. But ugly duckling smiled. He knew they

would grow up to be beautiful swans like him.

