AI三速英语. 丑小鸭 the ugly duckling

AI三速英语. 丑小鸭 the ugly duckling




听读双速儿童英语故事. 4丑小鸭 the ugly duckling

Track1, Track2,为常速播音, Track3,Track4,为慢速播音, 双速朗读地道


丑小鸭 the ugly duckling

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there was a pond by a farm. Many animals lived there.

There were horses, chickens, geese, and lots of ducks. A mother duck was

sitting on her eggs in her nest. She sat on them for a long time. She kept

them safe and warm.

Finally, the eggs hatched. One by one, the baby ducklings stuck out their


Peep,peep, peep!

Are you our mother?

Yes,I am your mother. I’m so happy to see you.

The world is so big!

This is not the world. This is just the pond. The world is much bigger

than the pond. There is also the farm and the field. There is so much to


Suddenly, mother duck saw some thing in her nest.

Oh,my! One egg has not hatched. And I look how big it is. I guess I’m

not done yet.

So she sat back down to keep the last egg warm. One of the older ducks

came to visit mother duck.

I heard your eggs hatched. What cute little ducklings you have. But why

are you still sitting on your nest?

I still have one egg left. See?

Hmmm, that is too big for a duck egg. I think it is a turkey egg. Don’t

waste your time with it.

No,I must be a good mother duck. I’m sure it will hatch soon.

Just then , the egg cracked. It rocked back and forth, and the crack got

bigger and bigger. Suddenly, a head stuck out. Soon, two wings came out,

then two long legs, then a whole baby bird. But this duckling looked

different from the other ducklings. This one was gray. Mother duck’s

other babies were white. And the new duckling’s beak and legs were

black.The other ducklings had yellow beaks and legs. Also, mother

duck’s other babies were all cute. But this duckling was ugly.

Good morning, ma’am. Are you my mother?

Awwww. He may be ugly, but he’s very nice. Yes, dear, I am your

mother. And these are your brothers and sisters. Now we will all go to the

pond and meet the other ducks.

Mother duck waddled to the pond, and all the ducklings followed her in a

line. When she got to the pond, mother duck jumped in. splash,splash,

splash. All the little ducklings followed her into the pond. They all swam

after her, even ugly duckling.

Well, you’re not a turkey. Turkeys can’t swim, and you swim very well.

You must be a duck. Let’s go , children. Stay in line.

Mother duck led her children to the farm. All the other ducks were there

swimming and looking for food. They were very happy to see mother

duck’s new babies. But they didn’t like ugly duckling.

