43.Alcohol and Death酒精与死亡

43.Alcohol and Death酒精与死亡


43.Alcohol and Death酒精与死亡



Almost half of all unnatural deaths are related to alcohol, a study has found. Research carried out by doctors in Sweden suggests that 44% of deaths caused by accidents or other events are linked to drinking. These include deaths from suicide, falls, traffic injuries and murder.

The doctors examined deaths in Sweden over a five-year period. They divided deaths into natural ones that were caused by disease or illness and unnatural ones that were event related. They found that 29% of all unnatural deaths were associated with alcohol.

However, they estimated that the figure may be as high as 44% and may be even higher in countries with "softer" alcohol laws than in Sweden.

Scientists say the sober person does not take the same risks and, to some extent, can avoid dangers and risks. Alcohol blurs your mind and it is well known that both self-destructive behavior. and aggression towards other people are much higher under the influence of alcohol than during sobriety.

The study demonstrates that alcohol is a problem not only when it comes to drunk driving and traffic deaths, but in a significant number of all unnatural deaths. This means that you run a greater risk in almost all aspects when you are under the influence of alcohol.

Sue Boon, assistant director of Alcohol Concern Association, said she was not surprised by the findings.

“It does seem to correlate quite closely with what is going on in the UK. For instance 65% of suicide attempts are linked to alcohol. We are not really surprised and that is why Alcohol Concern is pushing the government to publishing a national alcohol strategy to address these problems.”


  一项研究发现几乎半数的非自然死亡都与酒精有关。瑞典医生所进行的一项研究表明,因事故或其他事件引起的死亡,44%与饮酒相关,其中包括自杀、坠楼、交通伤害、窒息、麻醉和谋杀。医生在瑞典进行了为期5年的死亡检验。他们将死亡分为自然死亡(因疾病而亡)和非自然死亡(因事故而死亡。他们发现29%的非自然死亡与酒精密切相关。但是,他们估计实际死亡数字可能高达44%,在酒精管制法律“比较松弛”的国家中,也许还要高。科学家说清醒的人不会像醉汉那样冒同样的险,在某种程度上还能够躲避危险。酒精使人的思维模糊。众所周知,受酒精影响时,人采取的自毁行为和对他人的挑衅行为远远要超过其清醒的时候。该项研究还表明,酒精危害不仅仅表现在酒后驾车和造成交通死亡上,它还与其他大量的非自然死亡密切相关。这意味者当你受酒精影响时,你在各方面都冒着更大危险。关注酒精问题协会助理主任苏 • 布恩说,她对此研究结果并不感到惊讶。“这看来的确与英国的现状非常相似。比如说65%的自杀企图都与酒精有关。我们对此一点也不感到惊讶。这也是为什么关注酒精问题协会正在敦促政府公布一个国家酒精管制办法以解决这些问题。

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