41.Childhood Eating Problems May Extend to Adulthood好习惯要趁早养成

41.Childhood Eating Problems May Extend to Adulthood好习惯要趁早养成


41. Childhood Eating Problems May Extend to Adulthood好习惯要趁早养成



A childhood marked by conflicts over eating and“unpleasant”meals may foreshadow the development of eating disorders in adolescence and adulthood. Dr. Lisa A. Kotler and colleagues from the New York State Psychiatric Institute in New York City assessed the eating patterns and outcomes of approximately 800 children over a 17-year period.

Their findings showed that eating disorder symptoms were often stable over time. For instance, children who developed bulimia nervosa in early adolescence were 20 times more likely to have the disorder as adults, compared with those without bulimia in adolescence.In addition, certain childhood eating problems were significantly tied to the development of later eating disorders. For example, children said to have“struggles around meals”were about seven times more likely to develop anorexia as teens or young adults, the investigators report in the December issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

However, the researchers stress, the overall prevalence of diagnosed eating disorders in this study was low, ranging from less than 1% to about 3% among males and females. Therefore, most kids with some symptoms of eating problems will not actually develop an eating disorder by young adulthood.





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