headline /ˈhedlaɪn/ 头版头条,重大新闻
be the main story in the news
The Will Smith news captured the headline all over the world.
Headlines are becoming increasingly important in the internet age.
slap /slæp/ 扇耳光
补充: 同义词: smash, hit sb. in the face
Will Smith slapped Chris Rock in the face during the Oscars ceremony after the comedian told a joke about Smith's wife.
Will Smith 在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上扇了 Chris Rock 一巴掌,因为他开了史密斯妻子的玩笑。
It was a bit of a slap in the face when she refused to see me.
她拒绝见我, 这简直是侮辱我.
meme /mi:m/ 表情包
Their shocked expressions have been turned into memes.
Their reactions quickly became meme-worthy.
roll one's eyes 翻白眼
翻白眼这里的翻不是用动词turn, 而是roll, 滚动转动的意思,因为你在翻白眼的时候其实就是眼珠子在向上转动嘛,所以叫做roll one's eyes.
Jada immediately rolled her eyes at the joke.
Jada 听完这个笑话后就立刻翻了个白眼。
Don't you roll your eyes at me.
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