


Samples from US wastewater sites have shown an increase in the coronavirus in March in a third of locations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed, suggesting that cases in key cities including New York are rising. Wastewater samples provide important, advanced information about the spread of coronavirus because those who are infected shed the virus in their feces. The agency added wastewater data to its COVID-19 tracker on Feb 4.

①Samples from US wastewater sites have shown an increase in the coronavirus in March in a third of locations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed, suggesting that cases in key cities including New York are rising. 

1. samples/data/studies from ... have shown an increase in ... 样本、数据或研究结果表明在某方面有所增加

data n. 数据(单数形式为datum)

increase n./v. 上升,增长
an increase in salary 收入上涨
My boss decided to increase my salary.

2. cases in ... are rising 某区域的案例或者病例正在增长

case n. 案件;案例,病例
criminal case 刑事案件

3. wastewater sites 生活废水处理站

waste n. 浪费,挥霍;废料,废品
waste of time 浪费时间
toxic waste有毒废弃物
wastewater n. 废水
wastepaper n. 废纸等

waste adj. 废弃的,无用的,荒芜的
waste land 荒芜之地

waste v. 浪费,白费
waste money 浪费钱

②Wastewater samples provide important, advanced information about the spread of coronavirus because those who are infected shed the virus in their feces. 

1. provide v. 提供
provide food 提供食物
provide useful information 提供有用的信息

2. advanced information 最新信息
advanced adj. 先进的;高等的

advance v. 促进,使……前进
advance one’s career 拓展自己的事业

3. shed v. 去除,摆脱;掉落
shed tears 落泪
shed blood 洒热血

③The agency added wastewater data to its COVID-19 tracker on Feb 4.

1. tracker n. 追踪系统
track v. 追踪,跟踪

  • 四尾龟


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