Linguaphone 24.2.4 what Simon thought

Linguaphone 24.2.4 what Simon thought


What Simon thought
Mrs. Hunt: Do you know where the children are?
Mr. Fenton: At the Union. I suggested they had some coffee.
Mrs. Hunt: Do you know what Simon thought about the college?
Mr. Fenton: It seemed as if he liked everything. I think we’ve persuaded him. 
Mrs. Hunt: Marvelous. How did you change his mind?
Mr. Fenton: Well, I told him about the sports. 
Mr. Hunt: And then he told Simon about the music.
Mr. Fenton: And then Simon saw a group of pretty girls. 
Mrs. Hunt: Why don’t you send us a prospectus?
Mr. Fenton: All right. And if you have any questions to ask, write to me. You know where the college is. Its address is on this card. 
Mrs. Hunt: Thanks. Now we ought to go, Guy. You’re going shopping. Remember?

