Linguaphone 25.2.1 where's the suit department

Linguaphone 25.2.1 where's the suit department


Part 2
Where's the suit department?
Simon: Did you buy a pair of shoes, Dad?
Mr. Hunt: No. None of the ones I liked was the right size. My feet are very wide and most of the shoes were for narrow feet. 
Simon: That’s a shame. Is Peter still there looking at shoes?
Mr. Hunt: I don’t think so. I left him paying the shop assistant. He’s probably in the suit department now, waiting for us. We mustn’t keep him waiting. 
Simon: Do you know where it is?
Mr. Hunt: I’m afraid not. Why don’t you ask that assistant?
Simon: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the suit department is, please?
Man: I’m afraid not. I’m a customer, not a shop assistant. Any assistant will be able to tell you. There’s one standing behind the handkerchief counter. 

