08 The Bullfrog And The Cow

08 The Bullfrog And The Cow


The bullfrog and the cow

In a peaceful pond, the young bullfrogs were jumping up and down joyfully.

A thirsty cow came to drink water. He did not notice these little bullfrogs. The cow trampled and killed many of them.

When mother bullfrog came back, the young bullfrogs told her about the horrible event.

Mommy, mommy, a huge beast with four legs walked thunderously.

Bang! Bang!

He stamped many of us to death.

The mother bullfrog wanted to know how big the beast was. She inflated herself and asked,is he as big as me?

No, he is bigger. Her kids answered.

The mother bullfrog inflated herself unceasingly and asked again. But her kids still replied,no, you do not meet that half-size.

The mother bullfrog was annoyed. She continuously inflated herself. But her kids still told that,no, you do not meet the half-size.

The mother bullfrog was extremely angry. She inflated herself without concern about her life.

This time her body could withstand no longer. Her stomach suddenly exploded. So the poor mother bullfrog died at the bank of the pond.

Moral: know limitation of yourself before doing a thing.

