All parents aspire to raise

All parents aspire to raise

All parents aspire to raise the kind of children that they know will make the right choices— even when they themselves are not there to supervise. One of the most effective ways to do that is to build the right family culture. It becomes the informal but powerful set of guidelines about how your family behaves.
As people work together to solve challenges repeatedly, norms begin to form.The same is true in your family: when you first run up against a problem or need to get something done together, you'll need to find a solution.
It's not just about controlling bad behavior; it's about celebrating the good. What does your family value?Is it creativity?Hard work? Entrepreneurship? Generosity? Humility? What do the kids know they have to do that will get their parents to say, “Well done”?
This is what is so powerful about culture. It's like an autopilot. What is critical to understand is that for it to be an effective force, you have to properly program the autopilot— you have to build the culture that you want in your family. If you do not consciously build it and reinforce it from the earliest stages of your family life, a culture will still form— but it will form in ways you may not like. Allowing your children to get away with lazy or disrespectful behavior a few times will begin the process of making it your family's culture.So will telling them that you're proud of them when they work hard to solve a problem.Although it's difficult for a parent to always be consistent and remember to give your children positive feedback when they do something right, it's in these everyday interactions that your culture is being set. And once that happens, it's almost impossible to change.
