Top Chinese Phrases (Compilation 10: Mosaic of China, Season 02)

Top Chinese Phrases (Compilation 10: Mosaic of China, Season 02)


If language is one of the most important keys to unlocking a culture, then today's tenth and final compilation episode from Season 02 of the show perhaps represents the epitome of what I’m trying to achieve with Mosaic of China. It's a collection of the voices of 30 people from 30 contrasting backgrounds describing 30 favourite words or phrases in Chinese.

With hearts heavy under the burden of world news at the moment, please use this as a much-needed injection of joy and entertainment. And consider it a thank you from me to all those who have been following the podcast through this second season. I'm looking forward to returning with 30 brand new episodes later in the Spring of 2022.

  • 小杨ey

    The episode is 给力,厉害~ Though I didn‘t quite get the one from the car designer, was it 大气? 差不多,没办法,可以,我想个办法…… agree with Oscar that the word somehow reflects the person. And an interesting interpretation of 是, thank you

    Oscar_Fuchs_奥斯卡 回复 @小杨ey: Thank you! You’re right, the one from the car designer was 大气. The full list (in order of appearance) is: 说曹操曹操就到 ◆ 是 ◆ 中国梦 ◆ 麻烦你 ◆ 厉害 ◆ 可以 ◆ 给力 ◆ 大气 ◆ 旅途愉快 ◆ 一步一步来 ◆ 猫王 ◆ 帅哥 ◆ 后浪前浪 ◆ 舒服 ◆ 吃撑了 ◆ 拍马屁 ◆ 己所不欲,勿施于人 ◆ 设身处地 ◆ 车到山前必有路 ◆ 同志 ◆ 没事 ◆ 马马虎虎 ◆ 差不多 ◆ 应酬 ◆ 苦尽甘来 ◆ 四海为家 ◆ 太好了 ◆ 没办法 ◆ 我想一个办法