courses in school experience

courses in school experience

McCall has a very different view of the “right stuff.”While Wolfe's fighter pilots may indeed have been the best of the best, McCall's theory gives a causal explanation of why. It wasn't because they were born with superior skills. Instead, it was because they had honed them along the way, by having experiences that taught them how to deal with setbacks or extreme stress in high-stakes situations.
The “right stuff”thinking lists skills that are correlated with success. It is, using the description of theory discussed earlier, looking to see whether job candidates have wings and feathers. McCall's schools of experience model asks whether they have actually flown,and if so, in what circumstances.This model helps identify whether, in an earlier assignment, someone has actually wrestled with a problem similar to the
one he will need to wrestle with now. In terms of the language of the capabilities from earlier, it is a search for process capabilities.
Unlike the“right stuff” model,McCall's thinking is not based on the idea that great leaders are born ready to go. Rather, their abilities are developed and shaped by experiences in life.A challenging job, a failure in leading a project an assignment in a new area of the company—all those things become “courses” in the school of experience.
The skills that leaders have—or lack-depend heavily on which “courses" so to speak,they have and have not taken along the way.
