Kids ' priorities

Kids ' priorities

It's a beautiful way of articulating the importance of building the third of the capabilities— priorities. It affects what our children will put first in their lives. In fact, it may be the single most important capability we can give our kids.
You can probably recall similar moments from your own childhood— the times that you picked up something important from your parents that they probably weren't aware they were sharing. Your parents most likely weren't thinking consciously about teaching you the right priorities at the time-but simply because they were there with you in those learning moments, those values became your values, too.Which means that first, when children are ready to learn,we need to be there.And second,we need to be found displaying through our actions,the priorities and values that we want our children to learn.
Yet again,in outsourcing much of the work that formerly filled our homes,we have created a void in our children's lives that often gets filled with activities in which we are not involved.And as a result,when our children are ready to learn, it is often people whom we do not know or respect who are going to be there.
There's a wonderful conundrum left to us by the Greeks.It was first put to print by the author Plutarch,and it's known as the Ship of Theseus.As a tribute to the mythical founder of their city— famed for slaying the Minotaur— the Athenians committed to keeping Theseus's ship seaworthy in the harbor of Athens.As parts of the boat decayed,they were replaced...until eventually,every last part of the boat had been changed.
