10.The performance space讲读

10.The performance space讲读

Chapter 10 The Performance Space
本章节继续上一章节为小主人公August在几个初识的小同学的带领下继续参观新学校的情节。从这四个朋友的语言,细微动作和表情中,我们可以不难看出他们对小August的不同态度。 Charlotte 在新朋友面前继续在涛涛不停的讲诉自己的光荣表演经历。Julian 对于August的与众不同表现出无法掩饰的好奇心,但是他不太有好的问题让August感觉不舒服。Jack一直维护着August,并悄悄地告诉August在别人面前不要太软弱。 整个章节中Julian这个人物的语言是个亮点。我们可以在Julian的话语中想象出他的样子。词汇:
1.head v 朝。。。前进
e.g. She headed back home after school.
2.Spot v 看出,注意到,发现
e.g. Can you spot the difference between the two pictures?
3.Prove v 证明
e.g. They had refused to believe the results, but the final reports proved to be true.
4.Shrug v 耸肩
e.g. “I don’t know,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders.
5.Suppose v推断,假设
E.g. Making a speech in public isn’t as easy as you might suppose.
Be supposed to do 应该。。。
6.Absolutely 绝对地,完全地
E.g. He managed to make his explanations absolutely clear.
7.Basically adv 基本上,大体上
E.g. The two approaches are basically similar in the end.
8.Audience n 观众 词缀: audi- =hear audi+ence =(听的人)观众,听众
Auditorium 礼堂,听众席
9.Interrupt v 打断 (谈话);使。。。终止
E.g Sorry to interrupt, but there’s someone to see you.
10.Giggle v 咯咯笑
E.g The kids giggled for the joke while waiting for their turns to get drink.
11.Somehow adv 用某种方式,不知怎的
E.g They somehow managed to fulfill the task on time.
12.go straight across one’s face 在脸上蔓延开
A bright smile went straight across his face.
13.shut up 闭嘴
