30.萎缩性胃炎Atrophic gastritis

30.萎缩性胃炎Atrophic gastritis


Atrophic gastritis is a very common disease. Most people with atrophic gastritis are not seriously ill and their condition will improve with treatment. However, because atrophic gastritis carries a certain risk of cancer, many people are concerned.
Can atrophic gastritis develop into stomach cancer?
Yes, but the chance is very low and the time frame for atrophic gastritis to develop into gastric cancer is very long, so we have enough time to intervene and treat it. What we fear most is that many patients with atrophic gastritis do not pay attention to it and do not treat it, thus delaying the treatment of the disease and leading to cancer.
What should I do if I have atrophic gastritis?
1. Consult a professional doctor
Pictures, doctors, medication.
Some people say that gastritis is serious and some say it is fine, but it actually depends on the individual's condition. The extent and degree of atrophy of the gastric mucosa varies in atrophic gastritis, and the risk of cancer varies. Some people have mild gastritis without much problem, but others have a more serious condition and need to be treated with medication, so you cannot generalise. If you are suffering from atrophic gastritis, it is important to consult a medical professional for advice and targeted treatment.
2. Regular review
Hospital, check-ups
For patients with atrophic gastritis, it is not enough to treat once, but regular review of the gastroscopy is required. Of course, each person's condition is different and the time for review varies. In the case of mild atrophic gastritis and without heterogeneous hyperplasia, the review can be done once every two years. However, in the case of severe atrophy with heterogeneous hyperplasia, annual review is recommended.
3. Scientific medication
 Taking medication
Patients with atrophic gastritis need to take appropriate supplements of folic acid and trace elements, as well as a diet low in high-salt, high-fat, fried, pickled and baked foods, and if there is H. pylori infection, it needs to be sterilised promptly so that the atrophy of the gastric mucosa can be reversed.

