021_Meet the Animals 21_Ladybug

021_Meet the Animals 21_Ladybug


Aw! You're cute!
Who are you?
I'm a ladybug.
We're small beetles.
Beetles are insects.
Where do you live?
Ladybugs live all over the world.
We like forests, rivers, and even houses.
Some people call us "ladybirds" or "lady beetles."
What do you eat?
We like bugs that eat plants.
So farmers love ladybugs.
We protect their crops!
You're bright red!
Ladybugs are usually red, yellow, or orange.
Some ladybugs have stripes.
But most have black spots like mine.
Why do you have those spots?
Our spots and bright colors keep enemies away.
They warn animals that we taste bad!
Who are your enemies?
Birds sometimes eat ladybugs.
So do frogs, spiders, and dragonflies.
Do you sleep during winter?
Yes. We sleep under rocks or inside old logs.
Sometimes we go into houses to get warm.
Did you see my wings?
Look! I can fly!
Bye, Ladybug!

