028_Meet the Animals 28_Hippopotamus

028_Meet the Animals 28_Hippopotamus


Who are you?
I'm a hippopotamus.
Many people just call us hippos.
We're very big land mammals.
Where do you live?
Hippos live in Africa.
We stay near swamps, lakes, and rivers.
Do you like the water?
Yes. Hippos spend almost all day in the water.
The water keeps us cool.
We even sleep in shallow water.
Are you a good swimmer?
Hippos are very heavy.
We don't float.
So we often just walk through the water.
What do you eat?
Hippos eat grasses.
We usually wait until the hot sun sets.
Then we leave the water to find food.
You have a huge mouth!
Our jaws can open very wide.
Our bottom teeth are long—and sharp!
We use them to fight.
Oh! Do you have many enemies?
We're too big to have many enemies.
But people often hunt us.
I'm getting hot again.
Back in the water!
Bye, Hippopotamus!

