Susan三叶草 2022年2月14日 上午11:25

Susan三叶草 2022年2月14日 上午11:25

What Your Child Can and Cannot Do
Whether we realize it or not, we are assessing capabilities all around us every day. We assess everything about our organizations; our bosses, our colleagues and peers, and our employees. We assess our competitors.
But if I asked you to turn that lens closer to home,could you do it? What are your capabilities? What about your family's? It may seem funny to think of ourselves as a composite of resources, processes, and priorities, just like a business.But it's an insightful way to assess what we are able to accomplish in our own lives- and what might be out of our reach.I'll bet if you listed your own capabilities, there are some that you know are real strengths and assets. But every one of us has a few areas that we wish were stronger— capabilities you would go back in time and develop better if you could.
Unfortunately, none of us has the luxury of doing so.Just as Dell can't wind back the clock on the decisions it made to outsource its capabilities,we can't go back to our youth to figure out ways to develop the capabilities we wish we had.But, as parents,we do have the opportunity to help our children get it right. The Resources, Processes, and Priorities model of capabilities can help us gauge what our children will need to be able to do, given the types of challenges and problems that we know they will confront in their future.
