



Mother cat has nine kittens, they live in abig house near the sea.

Mmmmm! What is that yummy smell?

That smell is fish. The house always smellsof fish. The cats love fish.

They eat fish more than anything else.

Mother cat has two brothers, one is UncleHarry, the other is Uncle Larry.

Every morning, they go to the dock.

They get into their boat.

Every morning, the nine kittens go to the dock.They wave good-bye to Uncle Harry and Uncle Larry.

Then the two uncles begin to row.

They row out to sea. They try to catch afish for dinner.

One morning the sea was rough. Uncle Harrycaught a soup can.

Uncle Larry did not catch anything.

Uncle Harry caught a boot,

Uncle Larry did not catch anything.

Uncle Harry caught an old tire,

Uncle Larry did not catch anything.

What will the family eat if they don’tcatch a fish?

Look! Uncle Larry caught a fish. What a fish!

He paddled back to shore.

Mother cat and the nine kittens werewaiting on the dock.

They were all very happy.

That night, the cat family had the bestfish dinner ever. 

