【口语小词】Day 35--100小词走天下

【口语小词】Day 35--100小词走天下


10. hit the road 上路

: It’s time for us to hit the road. Come guys, the clock’s ticking.

例:We hit the road to a brand new life.



11. hit me up 跟我联系

例:Hit me up when you’re back in town.

例:If you need anything, hit me up.

例:Hit me up when you get home. I gotta talk to you.



12. hit the roof/ceiling 生气

例:If she finds out, she’s gonna hit the ceiling.

例:She hit the ceiling when I told her I couldn’t help her on this one.She sounded so desperate.



13.  Hit the books 努力学习;
例句:I can't go out tonight. I have to hit the books for the final. It’scoming very soon.

例:I really want to, but I can’t go with you guys. I have to hit thebooks.





1. free 免费的,free shipping 免运费

例:They offer free shipping on orders over 100 rmb.

例:Everyone likes free stuff.

例:Buy one get one free BOGO


2. Areyou free + 时间? 跟别人约时间

例:Are you free tomorrow?/Are you free Friday night?



3. Feel free to dosomething

例:Feel free to call me/hit me up when you’re back in Suzhou.

例:Feel free to walk around


4. Free of charge免费的



5. free + 名词

例:I wish I could turn back time to those carefree days.

例:fat-free 脱脂; sugar-free 无糖;;duty-free 免税; trouble-free 没出问题的;






1.       talkabout:  分享对某事的看法或者观察


例:He talked about his childhood.

例:We can talk about that later.

例:Did you talk with your brother about the will?

例:We’re done here, there’s nothing more to talk about.



2.       talkaround  避开不谈


例:He was extremely embarrassed about asking for a raise. He talkedaround it but never said what he wanted.

例:It is frustrating to try to solve a persona l problem with mysupervisor. She always talks around the main issue.


  • 张帆追月

    这课程 浪费钱了

    卡路里_YML 回复 @张帆追月: 是有一点,感觉给个文本讲义就可以了