


100 小词走天下 



 Peter broke his leg whenplaying basketball.

 Would you break thisdollar bill for me?

 Let’s take a break for 5.

1. Break the new to someone

 Peter’s mother just died in the hospital. Howcan we break the news to him.

● I could imagine how pissed you are when shebroke the news to you.

● I just accidently broke the news of her husbandcheating on her to Laura.

2. Break up 

1) break up with someone 和某人分手

 I broke up with him because he never cared aboutme.

 Have you seen Peter since you two broke up?

 I’m breaking up with you.

2) breaking up 表示声音断断续续

 You’re breaking up. Call me again.

 I can’t hear you well. You’re breaking up.

3.break even 不赔钱不赚钱

● We broke even last year. It’s not that good comparedto my friend’s companiy. But it’s not that bad for a first-year company either.

 We didn’t sell enough products to break even.(tocover the cost)

4.  break one’s heart 让某人失望,让某人伤心

 You broke my heart. /Don’t broke my heart. Don’tgo!

 In the course of your lives,perhaps without any plan on your part, you will see suffering that's goingto break your heart. And when it happens, don't turn away from it.That's the moment that change is born.

  变体:heartbreaker n. 让别人伤心的人


 I will do my best not to break my promise.

 I can’t help you on this one. You’re asking meto break the law.

  I broke my leg skiing last weekend.

 If anyone breaks the rules, he will be kickedout.

5.something can either make or break ...

 This contract can either makeor break our company.

 It's a tough job. It will either makeor break him.

6. luckybreakbig break

 This is my lucky break.

 I've never had a lucky break.

 This is the big break I've been waitingfor.

 That's a big break for him.

7. takea break/Give me (gimme a break)


8. breakinto 闯入

 Someone broke into my house and stole mycomputer.

 There’s someone outside trying to break into myhouse. I have a baby by my side, and also I have a gun in my hand, can I shothim if he comes in? I won’t tell you to do that because I’m a officer. But Ithink you should do that to protect your baby. 


9.be broke 穷光蛋

  The wedding dress was so expensive. I’m broke.

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  • 林小白老师

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  • 李道能

    i can feel my legs