Linguaphone 16.2.3 the play

Linguaphone 16.2.3 the play


The play
Mrs. Hunt: Did you enjoy the play, Clare?
Mrs. Blake: Yes, I enjoyed it very much. I adore musicals. 
Mrs. Hunt: So do I.
Mrs. Blake: You didn’t like the first act, did you?
Mrs. Hunt: No, I didn’t. The women danced badly and the men who danced seemed nervous. 
Mrs. Blake: Yes, you’re right. The woman who played the nurse wasn’t Jill Sheen, was she?
Mrs. Hunt: No, she wasn’t. Her name was Shirley Chilver. 
Mrs. Blake: She talked too fast and she didn’t dance very well, either.
Mr. Hunt: Did you really enjoy the play?
Mrs. Hunt: Yes, of course we did.
Mr. Hunt: What did you like?
Mrs. Hunt: Oh, everything.

