The Da Zang Sutra大藏经

The Da Zang Sutra大藏经

The Jade Buddha Hall is furnished with all bookcases along the side walls, hoarding a complete set of Buddhist scriptures entitled “Da Zang Sutra,” or, as it is known in Sanskrit, the “Triptaka.” This Da Zang Sutra is a block-printed work accomplished in the Qing Imperial Court in 1870, so it is justly called “Dragon Tripitaka.” It comprises a total of 7,168 volumes in 1,662 series of books, filling up 12 cabinets of the bookcases. Regarded as a Buddhist encyclopedia, the “Dragon Tripitaka” is full edition of Buddhist scriptures including Buddhist doctrine, Buddhist disciplines and the elaborations by eminent Buddhist masters on Sakyamuni’s oral teachings and the Buddhist theories.
There are three main tenets in Buddhist scriptures:
1.The world is inconstant, which is the nature of the universe. So nothing, including man, is able to maintain the existing form permanently.
2.Life is suffering and the cause of suffering is desire. The desire covers greediness, anxiety, passion, etc. Anyone grasping desire will be thrown into suffering.
3.The ultimate goal of life is to achieve nirvana. Nirvana is the pinnacle of Buddhists, for whom it is the perfect state eternal tranquility and happiness, being free from the human suffering, ignorance, and reincarnation.
