


15 Must-Follow Rules to Get More Done When Working from Home (Reader's Digest, 2019)
11. Take advantage of technology利用技术
A few things you’ll need to work more productively: a reliable computer, a headset for hands-free note-taking, a variety of apps to manage your schedule and clients, an at-home printer, and a fast and reliable internet hookup. Without these simple technologies, you’re setting your workday up for failure.

12. Plan ahead of time提前规划
Going into a workday blindly may not be the best approach. “Be clear about what you want to achieve, both in the long-term and on a daily basis,” Evans says. Try making a to-do list, prioritized by urgency.

13. Set clear boundaries界限明确
This applies to both your physical and mental work-from-home space. Keep everything separate—keep your work hours for work only, and your workspace for work only. That way, you can “close the office door” at the end of your working day, Evans says.

14. Reward yourself奖赏自己
One of the perks of working from home is you can reward yourself with the things you like without getting the side eye from a nosy coworker—try a mid-afternoon stroll around the block after finishing a PowerPoint or a fresh-baked cookie after getting off a conference call.

15. Look for support寻求帮助
Learning how to work from home is a task for your family and friends, too. “Let them know what your work hours are, when you can be disturbed, and when you’re not available,” Evans says. And when they’re really not getting the hint, there’s always a “Do Not Disturb” sign (a door with a lock helps, too.)
