


Elizabeth Holmes, founder of US blood-testing startup, Theranos, was found guilty on four of 11 charges of fraud. 37-year-old Holmes once claimed that her company could run hundreds of health tests on just a single drop of blood, with a revolutionary technology. But cracks in the glossy surface began to show in 2015 when the Wall Street Journal revealed that its in-house tests had massive inaccuracies and that the company was performing other tests using traditional blood testing methodology and equipment from outside labs.

①Elizabeth Holmes, founder of US blood-testing startup, Theranos, was found guilty on four of 11 charges of fraud.

1. be found guilty on/of 被判决有罪

If you are found guilty of theft, you can be sent to prison or be fined.

2. four of 11 charges 11项指控中的四项

I drew 3 of 5 paintings here.

3. founder n. 创始人

4. startup n. 初创公司(=startup company)

②37-year-old Holmes once claimed that her company could run hundreds of health tests on just a single drop of blood, with a revolutionary technology. 

1. claim v. 声称
suggest v. 提议
assert v. 断言
summarize v. 总结
recommend v. 推荐

2. run v. 运行

They have gathered statistics and run them through their own computers.

3. on prep. 凭借,靠,根据

They made their own judgment on his report.

③But cracks in the glossy surface began to show in 2015 when the Wall Street Journal revealed that its in-house tests had massive inaccuracies and that the company was performing other tests using traditional blood testing methodology and equipment from outside labs.

1. in-house adj. 内部的

A lot of companies do in-house training.

2. inaccuracy n. 误差
accurate adj. 准确的
inaccurate adj. 不准确的

The article is full of inaccuracies.

3. perform v. 进行,运行

4. methodology n. 方法论,一套方法
teaching methodology 教学方法
research methodology 研究方法
evaluation methodology 评价方法

5. reveal v. 揭露

  • 菲菲星光

    请教两个问题: 1.每天回复的是何老师还是余老师? 2.But cracks in the glossy surface…里的in 可以换成 of 吗?

    英语何健说 回复 @菲菲星光: 总体余老师居多,何老师居少,原则上谁先看到谁先回,还有早期的消息回复何老师居多,后来一点的消息余老师居多,今天这条是余老师~ 应该说习惯上用in 因为裂缝其实是嵌在表面里面的,如果一定要用Of,外国人能理解,但习惯上不这么用。比如 approach表示 方法 态度的时候 就是习惯用approach To sth. 你说一定要用of可以不,那只能说不影响外国人理解,但不太习惯这么用

  • 默默想你已经是习惯

    早上好 余老师👩‍🏫 腊八好

    英语何健说 回复 @默默想你已经是习惯: 节日好

  • 千笑解万愁


    英语何健说 回复 @千笑解万愁: 欢迎👏

  • 磕来耳


    英语何健说 回复 @磕来耳:

  • Ellie02


    英语何健说 回复 @Ellie02: 正是

  • 四尾龟


    英语何健说 回复 @四尾龟: 棒棒

  • Unravel_70

    就是个女神棍 我看过她的采访 神神叨叨的

    英语何健说 回复 @Unravel_70:

  • 神行者2024

    坚持打卡,无论早晚theft,fraud,assert,crack,glossy surface,in-house training,inaccuracy,inaccurate,methodology

    英语何健说 回复 @神行者2024: 坚持给小神点赞!永远欢迎!!!

  • 菲菲星光

    不熟悉单词记录: guilty l#ˈɡɪltir# adj.内疚的,犯了罪的 charge n.收费,控告,职责,主管,电荷 v.收(费),向...要价,把...记账上,控告,指责,赋予...指责(或任务),给...充电 fraud l#frɔːdr# n.欺诈,欺诈罪,骗子,冒牌货 revolutionary adj.革命性的 crack n.裂纹,裂缝,瑕疵,缺点 v.(使)断裂,(使)破裂,砸碎,(因压力而)吃不消,崩溃,adj.训练有素的,一流的 glossy l#ˈɡlɑːsir# adj. 有光泽的,光彩夺目的,虚有其表的 massive adj.大量的,结实的

    英语何健说 回复 @菲菲星光: 谢谢菲菲的整理!

  • 山有木兮_心恋君兮

    能骗到这么多人 就是本事