A Midsummer Night's Dream 3:The Language

A Midsummer Night's Dream 3:The Language




A Midsummer Night's Dream - Part 3 - “Think you have but slumbered here”


In episode two, we talked about the extraordinary lyricism of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the way it mixes humor with some surprising dark undertones -- especially around friendship and love. In this episode, we speak with Tiffany Stern, professor of Shakespeare and early modern drama at the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford, about the moments in the play that particularly dramatize these points.


Our first speech comes from Act Two, after Titania has described all the chaos in the natural world that has resulted from the discord between herself and Oberon. Oberon tells her she can mend this quarrel just by giving him the young Indian boy that she has taken charge of. In this speech, Titania explains why she will not give up the boy.


a. Titania, 2.1.125-142, “Set your heart at rest … I will not part with him.”

a. 提泰妮娅,第二幕,第一场,第125-142行,“请你死了心吧......我不愿舍弃他。”

TITANIA Set your heart at rest:


The Fairyland buys not the child of me.


His mother was a vot’ress of my order,


And in the spicèd Indian air by night


Full often hath she gossiped by my side


And sat with me on Neptune’s yellow sands,


Marking th’ embarkèd traders on the flood,


When we have laughed to see the sails conceive


And grow big-bellied with the wanton wind;


Which she, with pretty and with swimming gait,


Following (her womb then rich with my young



Would imitate and sail upon the land


To fetch me trifles and return again,


As from a voyage, rich with merchandise.


But she, being mortal, of that boy did die,


And for her sake do I rear up her boy,


And for her sake I will not part with him.


So this is a speech in which Titania explains the backstory to the Indian boy that she has acquired and loves -- or so it seems at this moment. But I'm interested in how it starts by saying “The Fairyland buys not the child of me.” And I'm interested in the term “buys,” because this is strangely mercantile. This is to do with merchandising. And actually, a lot of this speech is to do with merchandising. So Titania talks of how she and her votaress, then pregnant with this little boy, used to sit together mocking the embarked traders on the flood, which is to say, observing the trading boats on the sea, so that we have trade again, “buying” the child. The background of she and the pregnant mother, watching the traders, and then the pregnant mother would bring her gifts as from a “voyage rich with merchandise” -- so as though she were a returning ship. So throughout this speech, there is oddly the language of merchandising.


I think that's one of the key things about the speech and one of the awkward things about the speech, not least because we're talking about India and the “spiced Indian air” -- India, the home of spices that were coming to England, exotic spices. And here we're seeing the association between India and trading. Now, what later happens is the Dutch East Indian company is set up just for such trading. But here, firstly, we see the connection between India and trade. And then secondly, we see the connection between the little boy and trade. On one level, this says something a little bleak about the kind of colonializations that we were embarking on, all driven by merchandise. And on another, we see a little boy who both Oberon and Titania will fight to own him, and, kind of, they're fighting to own that bit of exotic merchandise. So he, horrifyingly, becomes a bit like one of the other traded goods.


Another thing I find interesting in the speech is the source of the humor between Titania and the votaress -- “ When we have laughed to see the sails conceive / And grow big-bellied with the wanton wind.” So they sat together, and they laughed because the sails were getting filled with wind. And it looks like they were pregnant. And you think, Oh, that's quite weird. It's quite weird to see boats and immediately think that they're conceiving with the wind. That's going to a very naughty place quite quickly -- and only then, having heard about all of that, are we told that she, the votaress, “with pretty and with swimming gait, / Following (her womb then rich with my young squire), / Would imitate.” So then we're told the humor is, in fact, that she, too, is pregnant, and she'll pretend to go swimming along the shore, and she'll imitate a boat, and it'll be hilarious, because the boats are pregnant, and she is pregnant. So, as I say, you know, some jokes are better than others.


But we are put here that the metaphor of the pregnant boat, which we then see ties in both with the merchandising, you know, it's going to team with money -- but it also ties in with the theme of pregnancy, which sits very oddly on this play more generally, because Titania and Oberon are fighting for the little boy who is born as a result of this, and they don't seem to have any kids of their own. So there is their lack of their own children. And the bigger story itself will end with all the lovers in their marriage beds, for their marriage nights. And we're told that at least one of them is going to conceive, and that various wishes are made for the pregnancies that will then ensue. So pregnancy is a theme throughout this play. And here it is.


And it interestingly goes, boat first, then the laughing women, one of whom we now learn is pregnant. And shortly after we learn she is hilariously pregnant -- then in a sentence we learn, “but she being mortal, of that boy to die.” And you say, Oh, my word. We had a friendship. Two laughing ladies on the shore. But one was mortal and childbirth actually killed her. And that's a little horrifying vignette in what seems like a charming story. And I quite like, in modern punctuation, we put it between commas -- “being mortal,” “but she, being mortal, of that boy did die.” This is being spoken by Titania, who is not mortal. So she herself doesn't die. But a mortal person can die of childbirth. That did indeed happen here. And that also throws something rather strange onto us, the audience, because we are also mortal and we will also die. And so this story, which is a story of pregnancy and life, is also a story of mortality and death, and all that is here in this speech as well.

这真的很有趣,先是帆船,再是欢笑着的女性,而且我们了解到其中一位已经怀孕了。然而,就在我们了解到她怀了孕后不久,我们又听到了这样一句话,“但因为她是一个凡人,所以在产下这孩子时便死了”。你一定会觉得,天呀,我们刚刚才目睹了岸上两位欢乐的女性之间的友谊呢。但是其中一位是个凡人,她因生产而死。在这部欢乐的戏剧中,这算是一个有点儿恐怖的小插曲。在这里我想利用现代的标点符号来断一下句,我要在“她是一个凡人”前后加上逗号,读起来就是“但因为她”,“是一个凡人”, “所以在产下这孩子时便死了”。这句话是提泰妮娅说的,提泰妮娅是仙后不是凡人,所以她不会死去。但凡人会因为生孩子而死,剧中也的确发生了这样的不幸。同时,这也让我们戏剧观众感受到了一些非常奇怪的内容,因为我们也是凡人,也会死。所以这个故事,这个有关孕育与生命的故事,同时也是一个有关死亡与终结的故事,在这小小一段台词中,我们可以看到了所有的这一切。

And then we end up with the insistent “And for her sake do I rear up her boy, / And for her sake I will not part with him.” Ends on “him,” “boy” and “him,” the two ends of those lines -- “For her sake,” the two beginnings of those lines. We feel very powerfully that she loves this woman. As a consequence, she loves this boy, she wants this boy. And she looks after the boy as a memento of that extraordinary friendship. Now, the fact that, in the play, she then hands over the boy to her husband once they get over that quarrel -- remembering this speech, makes that moment more horrific and raises more questions about the strangeness of this friendship here, which, as I say, is always put in rather mercantile terms.


Our next speech comes from Act Five. Oberon has removed the flower’s magic from Titania’s eyes so that she no longer loves the ass-headed Bottom. Puck has restored Bottom to normal, and Titania has gone off and left Bottom asleep. Now he wakes up and starts to ponder what has happened -- or, he wonders, did it only happen in a dream?


b. Bottom, 4.1.210-229, “When my cue comes … at her death.” (Bottom’s Dream)

b. 波顿,第四幕,第一场,第210-229行,“轮到咱的尾白的时候......或者还是等咱死了之后再唱吧。”(波顿的梦)

BOTTOM When my cue comes, call me,


and I will answer. My next is “Most fair Pyramus.”


Hey-ho! Peter Quince! Flute the bellows-mender!


Snout the tinker! Starveling! God’s my life! Stolen


hence and left me asleep! I have had a most rare


vision. I have had a dream past the wit of man to say


what dream it was. Man is but an ass if he go about


to expound this dream. Methought I was – there


is no man can tell what. Methought I was and


methought I had -- but man is but a patched fool if


he will offer to say what methought I had. The eye of


man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen,


man’s hand is not able to taste, his tongue to


conceive, nor his heart to report what my dream


was. I will get Peter Quince to write a ballad of this


dream. It shall be called “Bottom’s Dream” because


it hath no bottom; and I will sing it in the


latter end of a play, before the Duke. Peradventure,


to make it the more gracious, I shall sing it at her




So this is a speech when Bottom wakes up from what he thinks has been a dream. What he thinks he dreamt is that he had an ass’shead and made love to the Queen of the Fairies in that form. Now, we know that that wasn't a dream, that did, in fact, happen. However, he wakes up and the first thing he says is, “When my cue comes, call me and I will answer.” He is thinking back to his rehearsal. He's waiting for the three words that will proceed his speech. And he's waiting for the three words “Most fair Pyramus.” This is hilarious on a number of levels. One is that his dream is reality. He really has been at a rehearsal. And another is that his cue will be “Most fair Pyramus,” very beautiful Pyramus. And we've just seen him being an ass, you know, notably ridiculously ugly. So that is funny.


“Hey-ho” -- “Hey-ho” is a transliteration of how a sigh sounds. But here it is funnier still because, as Bottom was an ass, then he can also go “Hee-ho” in a kind of, you know, donkey-like ass-y way. So it's kind of both a sigh, and he's still got a bit of donkey in him. Okay. Then he says, “I have had a most rare vision. I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was.” He can't make sense of the dream he's had. Now, this is actually one of the themes of the whole play, which bits of the play are dreams and whose dream is this play? Is it our dream, is it my dream? So we see Bottom struggling with one of the themes of the play, his strange, strange dream.


And then he says -- and these are all kind of funny internal references like “Hey-ho” -- “Man is but an ass if he go about to expound this dream. Methought I was -- there is no man can tell what. Methought I was and methought I had” -- people act this in various different ways. “Methought I was and methought I had.” So he thought he was an ass. “Methought I had” -- and then an actor can choose which bit of himself to touch to indicate what it -- so a more Victorian-leaning actor will go “Methought I had” and touch his head, because he thought he had big ears. But oh no, I didn't have big ears anymore, thank goodness for that. A naughtier actor will touch himself lower down -- I thought I had a great big -- oh well, oh well, that was just a dream.


Then what's weird is he goes into this little bit of synesthesia. Synesthesia, when you muddle one sense with another sense: “The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man’s hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report.” On one level, that's all jokes. That is funny, but on a second level, that’s what A Midsummer Night's Dream is about. It's about sensory confusion. The play appeals to the emotions, but muddles the way you rationalize them.


But a third thing, which is intensely odd, is that this is also a bit of a muddled reference to Corinthians: “the eye hath not seen and the ear hath not heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.” So why on earth are we getting a sudden confused biblical reference here? We have been in this place far, far, far away from Christianity, and the land of fairies and Cupids and strange bits of Greek mythology, and suddenly, but not in clear form, in confused form, we've got something that reminds us of St. Paul. So I think this funny speech is also meant to have depth that we might not quite have expected. It asks us actually about the dream theme of the play. It brings us to Christianity when we're about to think about marriage.


And then finally, it's got this nice end to the speech: “I will get Peter Quince to write a ballad of this dream. It shall be called ‘Bottom’s Dream’ because it hath no bottom.”So the playwright Peter Quince is the prompter and, it seems, the playwright of the internal play-in-the-play that we've been watching. Now he'll be asked to write a ballad of Bottom’s dream. I think the theater does actually sell this ballad of Bottom’s dream, particularly its -- Bottom says that he'll sing it in the latter end of play. And actually, in the latter end of the play, they don't. They put on their play-in-a-play, and then they dance a Burgomask. But that means that the latter end of the play is the latter end of the play of A Midsummer Night's Dream, where we can perhaps buy this ballad as we go out of the theater.


I'm also intrigued, at the very end of the play here, of this speech where he says, “To make it the more gracious I shall sing this ballad at the death of Thisbe in the play.” I’m quite interested that we get death, and that we get the Bible in there and we get death in there. So in this light-hearted, prosy, easy, funny speech, we get some of the more trenchant and serious themes strangely confusedly in that. And we could say the same of the play-in-the-play, which also has serious themes in a funny way. So I think this speech does a lot more work than we might have thought to identify and crystallize some of the themes and to throw the business of working them out back onto us, the audience.


Lastly, we have the final two speeches of the play. The performance of Pyramus and Thisbe has ended, the lovers have gone off to bed to enjoy their wedding nights, and Puck, Oberon, Titania, and the fairies have arrived onstage to bless the couples’ beds and bid goodbye to the audience.


Oberon and Puck, 5.1.418-455, “Now, until the break of day … And Robin shall restore amends.”


OBERON Now, until the break of day,


Through this house each fairy stray.


To the best bride-bed will we,


Which by us shall blessèd be,


And the issue there create


Ever shall be fortunate.


So shall all the couples three


Ever true in loving be,


And the blots of Nature’s hand


Shall not in their issue stand.


Never mole, harelip, nor scar,


Nor mark prodigious, such as are


Despisèd in nativity,


Shall upon their children be.


With this field-dew consecrate


Every fairy take his gait,


And each several chamber bless,


Through this palace, with sweet peace.


And the owner of it blest,


Ever shall in safety rest.


Trip away. Make no stay.


Meet me all by break of day.


(All but Robin exit.)


PUCK If we shadows have offended,


Think but this and all is mended:


That you have but slumbered here


While these visions did appear.


And this weak and idle theme,


No more yielding but a dream,


Gentles, do not reprehend.


If you pardon, we will mend.


And, as I am an honest Puck,


If we have unearnèd luck


Now to ’scape the serpent’s tongue,


We will make amends ere long.


Else the Puck a liar call.


So good night unto you all.


Give me your hands, if we be friends,


And Robin shall restore amends.


The first thing I want to say is that its form, it's not iambic pentameter, which is what we associate very much with Shakespeare. But it's trochaic tetrameter. That is to say, it has four stresses, tetrameter, rather than five stresses in each line, pentameter. And the stress is on the first syllable rather than the second. “Now, until the break of day / Through this house, each fairy stray.”This has been identified as a kind of fairy sound. In this play, Shakespeare is interestingly giving different, different characters, different ways of speaking. This seems to be a fairy way of speaking, rhyming and speaking in this particular form.


So it's already a bit magical. And this is what Oberon says he’ll do. But it's quite interesting. He asks all the fairies to go about the house bestowing blessings. And he says “To the best bride-bed will we, / Which by us shall blessèd be.” So, you fairies all bless the other bridal beds -- and these are the beds where the marital couples are having sex -- I will bless the best one myself. And that makes us ask which of these couples is therefore the best one? Is the best one Theseus and Hippolyta, because they are the most elevated, or is the best one Hermia and Lysander, because they were naturally in love before the play started. They're the only actual love couple, given that Theseus has forced Hippolyta.


So I quite like the way this blessing also asks some questions. Oberon then goes on, he's still talking about the best bride bed, the one he himself is blessing, and this is what he will bring about -- “The issue there create / Ever shall be fortunate.” So as he blesses the bridal bed, so there'll be a very fortunate kid born -- “So shall all the couples three / Ever true in loving be.”


Now he says that, because of these fairy blessings, all three couples will have true love forever. What's problematic about that is that Oberon and Titania, we've seen in the play, they do not have a true love marriage. So can they bestow it when they can't have it? I mean, maybe, they're fairies. Maybe they can do anything. But we also have one of the three couples, as I say, only Hermia and Lysander seem to have a comfortable, genuine sort of love match. One of those couples, Demetrius, still has juice on his eyes to keep him in love. So it wasn't genuine to him. So do we trust this true love ending? Then here’s an unfortunate bit where Oberon returns to the issue, and part of the blessing is that the issue will not have any deformities -- “mole, harelip, nor scar, / Nor mark prodigious, such as are / Despisèd in nativity, / Shall upon their children be.” So they won't have anything awful and despised, like any kind of birth defect. I think these days we find that a little bit tricky, particularly the idea that if you have them, then you'd be kind of despised. And he's sort of thinking this, I'm a fairy, I can make sure that none of that happens. What I do think is interesting, though, quite apart from our modern sensitivity, is that there are three lines focusing on the terrible things that your children won't have, which actually makes those things the defects quite a focus of that speech.


So, as I say, the speech certainly says, “I'm going to bless everyone and the children will be great.” But when we read the speech, we may not take out of it quite that -- we may think that the speech is more problematic than it thinks it is.


Now the fictional story is over, we have the epilogue, and the purpose of an epilogue at the end of a play was basically this: that the epilogue tries to force the audience to applaud the play. So Puck here speaks the epilogue. But Puck is partly Puck, but partly an actor playing Puck, in that he says, “If we shadows have offended.” So now, are “we shadows” “we fairies” or are “we shadows” “we actors pretending to be fairies in this play”? And he's also directly addressing the audience. This is actually to you and me. If we've offended, then think this, “That you have but slumbered here / While these visions did appear.” Look, if you don't like the play, just basically, you were asleep. So, he addresses you and says something very strange -- that he says A Midsummer Night's Dream was your dream. But he also says that's only the case if you didn't like the play. If you did like the play, then it was the play. So actually, he does something very odd about, Well, was that my dream or not? Whose dream was it? So he does all of that while addressing us.

到此为止,戏剧的故事情节算是告一段落了。接着我们听到的是戏剧的收场白,戏剧结尾的收场白主要就是为了呼唤观众们为戏剧鼓掌叫好。这里的收场白是迫克说的。但这里的“迫克”只有部分是剧中的“迫克”,同时他还是作为扮演“迫克”的演员在说收场白,他说:“要是我们这辈影子,有拂了诸位的尊意。”“我们这辈影子”指的是谁呢?是“我们这些精灵”,还是 “我们这些在剧中扮演精灵的演员”呢?他这其实是在直接与观众们对话,这段话就是对着我和你说的。如果“有拂了诸位的尊意”,我们就要“这样思量,这种种幻景的显现,不过是梦中的妄念。”也就是说,如果你不喜欢这部戏剧,那就可以说你其实是在梦中。这段话里面包含了一些很奇怪的信息,他说《仲夏夜之梦》就是你的梦。但这也是有前提条件的,如果你不喜欢这部剧,那么它就是你的梦。但如果你喜欢这部剧,那它就还是实实在在的一部戏剧。这就让我们产生了一种玄妙的感觉,我们都有点儿分不清,这部戏剧究竟是不是我自己的一场梦呢。我也分不清这究竟是谁的梦?他一边说着收场白,一边就让我们产生了这种感觉。

“Do not reprehend,” you know, “Gentles, do not reprehend.” Don't be nasty. “If you pardon, we will mend.” If you pardon this play, forgive it, let it pass, we'll make it better -- epilogues were generally spoken after a first performance when you didn't know if the play would take, if the audience would approve it or not. And if it didn't take, you'd never perform it again. And you'd have wasted lots of time and money putting that production together. So another thing he's saying, literally, as an actor, addressing an audience, is kind of, “Look, if you sort of liked it, but you didn't love it, we will make it better.” And that would also be a good reason for you A) to applaud it and B) to come back.


“Give me your hands, if we be friends, / And Robin shall restore amends.” So on a friend level, “Give me your hands,” let's shake hands. But on a guy-to-audience level, Come on, give me your applause. Give me your hands, and I’ll make everything okay. I’m a fairy, I’ll magic everything better. So maybe now, the mending, having said, “Look, the playwright will mend the play, he’s kind of saying, you know, I'll do the same magic like what Oberon has just done, I'll just make everything good.” As I say, in the play itself, we haven't been sure that the fairies always make everything good, but this is a great feel-good way to leave the theater, having heartily applauded A Midsummer Night's Dream.


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