Linguaphone 9.2.4 happy birthday

Linguaphone 9.2.4 happy birthday


Happy birthday
Mrs. Fenton: Ah! Here’s Tim.
Tim: Hello, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Guy. How are you? Are these my cousins?
Mrs. Hunt: Yes. This is my daughter, Jane, and this is Simon.
Mr. Hunt: Sarah, you’ve forgotten to introduce Sheila again.
Mrs. Hunt: Oh sorry. This is Sheila Morgan. Sheila, this is Carol’s son, Tim.
Tim: Hello, Sheila. Are my aunt and uncle your parents’ friends?
Sheila: No, my parents don’t know Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. My parents’ home’s in Devon. 
Mrs. Fenton: Is everyone ready? We’re having the party now.
Simon: Party?
Mrs. Fenton: Yes, this is your birthday party, Simon.
All: Happy birthday!

