Targeting 2022
In China, the manufacturing sector has always been a big employer. But it's also been under a series of pressures of its own, coming from various things including tight energy supplies, global trade...Is the manufacturing sector heading up or heading down? Will 2022 be nice for manufacturing? We have Wang Dan, Chief Economist of Heng Sheng Bank (China), to offer some insights into manufacturing's GDP contribution.
制造业为中国提供了大量的就业岗位,但目前制造业也面临着诸多压力, 包括能源供给紧缺、国际贸易等等。中国制造业的地位动摇了吗?2022年的走势如何?ICS《财道》栏目对话恒生银行(中国)首席经济学家王丹,一起解读制造业对GDP到底贡献几何?
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