Linguaphone 9.2.1 the Fentons

Linguaphone 9.2.1 the Fentons


The Fentons
Mr. Fenton: Someone’s at the door, Carol. 
Mrs. Fenton: Is everything ready?
Mr. Fenton: Yes, dear, everything’s fine. Answer the door. 
Mrs. Fenton: Hello! I’m so happy to see you. Come in!
Mrs. Hunt: Carol, you look very well.
Mrs. Fenton: Thank  you, Sarah … you look very well, too. And the children … they’re both so tall!
Mrs. Hunt: Well … you haven’t seen them for five years.
Mr. Hunt: Sarah, you’ve forgotten to introduce Sheila. 
Mrs. Hunt: I’m very sorry. Carol, we’ve brought a friend with us. This is Sheila Morgan. She hasn’t visited London before.
Mrs. Fenton: Hello, Sheila.
Sheila: How do you do, Mrs. Fenton?
Mrs. Fenton: Please call me Carol. Now sit down everyone. I’ve made some tea. It’s in the kitchen. Can Jane help me? 
Mrs. Hunt: Of course she can.

