Jason Hsu (Rayliant): Smart Beta works in China!

Jason Hsu (Rayliant): Smart Beta works in China!


Today my guest is Mr Jason Hsu, the chairman and CIO of Rayliant Global Advisors. 

Jason is at the forefront of the smart beta revolution and is one the world’s most recognized thought leaders in that space. Building on his pioneering work on the RAFI Fundamental Index approach to investing with Rob Arnott in 2005, he has published numerous articles on the topic.

In 2015, Jason received the Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Outstanding Article Award for “A Study of Low-Volatility Portfolio Construction Methods” published in the Journal of Portfolio Management. He has twice received the William F. Sharpe Award for Best New Index Research, which is awarded by Institutional Investor Journals.

In this episode, we started with one of the recent papers written by Jason and his co-authors: Anomalies in Chinese A-shares. Then we went on the cover the following questions:

1) What's the obstacle to migrate a trading strategy that works in the US to China?

2) How China's market is different from that of the States?

3) What are the common mistakes that investors fall into when investing in active strategies?

4) What's the challenge of a quant strategy to succeed in China?

I hope you enjoy the conversation.

Our contact detail: info@woodsfordcapital.com

  • 伍治坚

    回复@Jacob_k8:search my name in itune podcast. you should be able to find all the episodes.

  • 听友82472129

    I face some problems streaming with this talk. On and off all the time!