Today myguest is Mr Jack Schwager.
Mr. Schwageris a recognized industry expert in futures and hedge funds and the author of anumber of widely acclaimed financial books. Mr. Schwager is one of the foundersof Fund Seeder, a platform designed to find undiscovered trading talentworldwide and connect unknown successful traders with sources of investmentcapital. Previously, Mr. Schwager was a partner in the Fortune Group, aLondon-based hedge fund advisory firm.
Mr. Schwagerhas written extensively on the futures industry and great traders in allfinancial markets. He is perhaps best known for his best-selling series ofinterviews with the greatest hedge fund managers of the last three decades: Market Wizards , The New Market Wizards , Stock Market Wizards, Hedge Fund Market Wizards, and The Little Book of Market Wizards.
Today, wewill mainly talk about one of Mr Schwager’s recent books:Hedge fund market wizards.
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