【解读】皆大欢喜3 语言特色:“全世界是个舞台”

【解读】皆大欢喜3 语言特色:“全世界是个舞台”




As You Like It 3: the Language

皆大欢喜3 语言特色:“全世界是个舞台”

In the last two episodes, we discussed the ways thatAs You Like Itpushes the boundaries of traditional categories and conventions; and also the ways that the play strives to balance different moods and different conceptual points of view. In this episode, we speak with Dr. Will Tosh, research fellow and lecturer at Shakespeare's Globe in London, about moments in the play that particularly dramatize these points.


Our first speech comes from Act 2. At the Duke’s invitation, Orlando has just gone to fetch his old servant Adam and bring him to the Duke’s camp for food and rest. Just before Orlando returns with Adam, the melancholy Jacques delivers this speech. It’s a famous speech, but one that might also reveal some of Jacques’s shortcomings -- especially hislackof balance.


a.Jacques, 2.7.145-173, “All the world’s a stage … sans everything.”

a. 杰奎斯,第二幕,第七场,第145-173行,“全世界是一个舞台......没有一切。”

JACQUES All the world’s a stage,


And all the men and women merely players.


They have their exits and their entrances,


And one man in his time plays many parts,


His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,


Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.


Then the whining schoolboy with his satchel


And shining morning face, creeping like snail


Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,


Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad


Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,


Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,


Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,


Seeking the bubble reputation


Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,


In fair round belly with good capon lined,


With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,


Full of wise saws and modern instances;


And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts


Into the lean and slippered pantaloon


With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,


His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide


For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,


Turning again toward childish treble, pipes


And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,


That ends this strange eventful history,


Is second childishness and mere oblivion,


Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.


I reckon a lot of the listeners will have heard some or all of this speech before, in any number of contexts, from the first line, “All the world's a stage,” excerpted and repeated, possiblyad nauseum, to snippets of the seven models of aging, growing masculinity. And I can see why, because the seven snapshots are so utterly beguiling. This is a character sketch like a Picasso pen stroke, a single sentence capturing an individual, the lover “sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad / Made to his mistress’ eyebrow.” It's so wonderful because it's believable and it's also horribly undercutting. We can be completely clear about the nature of this slightly self-important lover. But we shouldn't ignore the fact that for early modern audience members, the idea that the world was a stage was extremely conventional and possibly, I hate to say it, even banal. Shakespeare gives Jacques a beautiful and delicate speech here. I mean, “second childishness and mere oblivion,” how amazing is that? But the sentiment is not much more original than Orlando's ropey old verses that he'll later stab into Arden’s trees.


Jacques takes the chance to deliver a set-piece, and a slightly portentous one at that, to his long suffering courtiers. But the crucial thing in thinking about its meaning is to consider the speech’s context:right after Orlando has held up the feast at knife point and demanded food for himself and Adam, his aging servant. As Orlando leaves to fetch Adam, the Duke observes that this “wide and universal theater,” by which he means the world, “presents more woeful pageants than the scene wherein we play in.” In other words, some people have it even harder than they do.


Jacques responds with his speech, which ends on the massive downer, that at the end of life, we can expect to wind up with no faculties or sources of enjoyment and care: “Second childishness and mere oblivion, / Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything” --sans, without, French, without -- without teeth, without eyes, without taste, without anything. And it's at that point, on Jacques’s very pessimistic final line, that Orlando enters, probably carrying Adam, the actor playing old Adam. And if he does, that's an iconic vision of filial duty and care that derives from the symbol of the heroic Aeneas bearing his father Anchises on his back from the burning city of Troy. Orlando’s actions undercut Jacques’s pessimism and make him look, dare I say it, a little bit of a fool.


There are hints of this same dynamic throughout the play: Jacques would like to represent himself as more profound and insightful than the other characters but actually, he often comes across aslesswise, in part because his emphatic cynicism is at odds with the play’s own direction.


I would say Jacques represents a satire born of great pessimism, and in fact so pessimistic as to not really be satire, as to be something more approaching and nihilism. Although I would also say that the play itself is very uninterested in putting over a kind of final moral certainty. I think the whole point of the play is that it's about equipoise and balance.


In fact, the name Jacques suggests the kind of judgment that this balanced play would pass on his extreme pessimism.


His name was probably pronounced as a single long syllable in Shakespeare's time, Jakes, which makes the name a homophone for a privy or a latrine. And I think that's sort of where the mind ends up if it takes no pleasure in anything at all, which is what Jacques does. So I think he kind of is a fool, in the sense that his purpose is occasionally to look ridiculous. Andthe irony of Jacques as a fool is that he doesn't recognize that he is one.


This exchange between Rosalind and Orlando takes place in Act 4. Rosalind is disguised as Ganymede, and Ganymede is pretending to be “Rosalind”, so that Orlando can play the game of wooing her. Rosalind has just taken the game so far as to start a pretend marriage ceremony with Orlando, with Celia as the witness. This dialogue takes place after the ceremony.


Rosalind, 4.1.150-186, “Now tell me how long you would have her … let her never nurse her child herself, for she will breed it like a fool.” (Including Orlando’s replies)


ROSALIND,as GanymedeNow tell me how long you


would have her after you have possessed her?


ORLANDO Forever and a day.


ROSALIND,as GanymedeSay “a day” without the


“ever.” No, no, Orlando, men are April when they


woo, December when they wed. Maids are May


when they are maids, but the sky changes when


they are wives. I will be more jealous of thee than a


Barbary cock-pigeon over his hen, more clamorous


than a parrot against rain, more newfangled than


an ape, more giddy in my desires than a monkey. I


will weep for nothing, like Diana in the fountain,


and I will do that when you are disposed to be


merry. I will laugh like a hyena, and that when thou


art inclined to sleep.


ORLANDO But will my Rosalind do so?


ROSALIND,as GanymedeBy my life, she will do as I




ORLANDO O, but she is wise.


ROSALIND,as GanymedeOr else she could not have


the wit to do this. The wiser, the waywarder. Make


the doors upon a woman’s wit, and it will out at the


casement. Shut that, and ’twill out at the keyhole.


Stop that, ’twill fly with the smoke out at the




ORLANDO A man that had a wife with such a wit, he


might say “Wit, whither wilt?”


ROSALIND,as GanymedeNay, you might keep that


check for it till you met your wife’s wit going to


your neighbor’s bed.


ORLANDO And what wit could wit have to excuse that?


ROSALIND,as GanymedeMarry, to say she came to


seek you there. You shall never take her without her


answer unless you take her without her tongue. O,


that woman that cannot make her fault her husband’s


occasion, let her never nurse her child


herself, for she will breed it like a fool.


So this is the Rosalind-Orlando exchange. So there is a lot happening in this exchange, and I thinkit makes sense to think about it in its dramatic context. Rosalind as Ganymede as Rosalind has just married Orlando with Celia, an outraged witness and priest. So this is kind of their first exchange as a “married couple.”I mean, of course, they're not like, precisely married-married yet, as that happens at Hymen’s hand at the end of the play. But they are skirting very close to the legal wind in conducting what was known as a ceremonyde praesenti, or an irregular marriage without a priest, sometimes considered legally binding, which might explain Celia's shock at Rosalind’s boldness in taking Orlando's hand like this.And then maybe to our surprise, Rosalind pursues a classically misogynist sentiment here, that the excitable bridegroom is likely to find his vivacious new bride an intolerable nag before too long.


As Rosalind says, “I will be more jealous of thee than a / Barbary cock-pigeon over his hen, more clamorous / than a parrot against rain, more newfangled than / an ape, more giddy in my desires than a monkey. I / will weep for nothing, like Diana in the fountain,…” I'll just burst into tears for no reason whatsoever. “And I will do that when you are disposed to be / merry”, so when you're in a great mood, I will be weeping my eyes out. “I will laugh like a hyena and that when thou / art inclined to sleep,” so she'll do everything that's disruptive to Orlando's happy life.


And she, moreover, suggests that Rosalind’s wit is a cover for her insatiable sexual appetite, her wayward wisdom carrying her beyond the bounds of the home to her neighbor's bed, where, if discovered, she will simply say that she has come in search of her husband. So what does Rosalind mean? Is she in earnest? No, I don't think so. This is part of the erotic game that she's playing with Orlando.


We see more of it in the exchange after this exit. Orlando leaves. He says he has to attend the Duke at dinner. So clearly, the Duke's feudal habits persist even in the greenwood. And Rosalind immediately affects a sort of romantic despair at being the abandoned wife: “Oh, that flatteringtongue of yours won me. ’Tis but one cast away, and so, come, death.” Clearly, she's joking. And as Rosalind later explains to Celia, she really is in a sort of love-madness, which is how Elizabethans thought of extreme passion. Love, like any strong emotion, was an imbalance of the humors, and it made people behave in strange and atypical ways. Here, Rosalind pretending to be Ganymede pretending to be Rosalind, the most self-confident and assertive of women, play-acts being a subtle and cunning adulterer as a way of arousing and exciting Orlando. I mean, no wonder Celia is shocked.


From the eighteenth century onwards, the part of Rosalinddidbecome a role for actresses to embrace their allure and show off their self-confidence.


The play holds the stage for the next 300 years and becomes very popular, partly because it's a wonderful opportunity for actresses playing Rosalind as a part, as an emotional journey, but also as what's called a “trouser role,” as a way for actresses to show off their legs, to kind of really claim the stage with a kind of erotic self-confidence.


And of course, that eroticism comes not only from Rosalind’s jokes about her neighbor’s bed, but from the fact that her performance as Orlando’s wife is still overlaying her performance as Ganymede.As we noted in episode one,it’s highly significant that Rosalind adopts the name of the beautiful shepherd boy who became the lover of Zeus, the king of the Gods. This name captures the distinctive allure that Rosalind's male avatar might have for Orlando. It also suggests how disruptive this new relationship might be to existing ties. The Orlando-Ganymede relationship fractures the relationship between Rosalind and Celia, as the Ganymede-Jupiter relationship also disturbed an existing couple.


The significance about that Ganymede-Jupiter, Ganymede-Jove relationship is that in most retellings, Ganymede is a rival in Olympus, causes massive friction with Jupiter's wife, Juno, who is seriously not pleased to see her husband's attentions fastened on a beautiful young man. Soacross Europe, from classical antiquity until well into the 17th century and beyond, Ganymede is a symbol of youthful male sexual allure, primarily for other men and also of the domestic disturbances that might erupt when a master was smitten with particularly a servant or a junior, but also any male lover. And we see Ganymede used in that way in satires and poetry and other plays all across the period.


This speech is the epilogue to the play, delivered by Rosalind after the main action has ended. Traditionally, epilogues brought the play to a full conclusion and invited the audience to applaud.


a.Rosalind, Epilogue (entire)

a. 罗瑟琳,收场白(全)

ROSALIND It is not the fashion to see the lady the


epilogue, but it is no more unhandsome than to see


the lord the prologue. If it be true that good wine


needs no bush, ’tis true that a good play needs no


epilogue. Yet to good wine they do use good bushes,


and good plays prove the better by the help of good


epilogues. What a case am I in then that am neither


a good epilogue nor cannot insinuate with you in


the behalf of a good play! I am not furnished like a


beggar; therefore to beg will not become me. My


way is to conjure you, and I’ll begin with the


women. I charge you, O women, for the love you


bear to men, to like as much of this play as please


you. And I charge you, O men, for the love you bear


to women—as I perceive by your simpering, none


of you hates them—that between you and the


women the play may please. If I were a woman, I


would kiss as many of you as had beards that


pleased me, complexions that liked me, and breaths


that I defied not. And I am sure as many as have


good beards, or good faces, or sweet breaths will for


my kind offer, when I make curtsy, bid me farewell.


So this is the epilogue.So here's a rarity. This is one of very few early modern plays to feature an epilogue spoken by a female character. BeforeAs You Like It, only one other survives in John Lyly’sGallatheafrom some years earlier, although in that play, it's possible that the female character has already been magically transformed into a boy, so it might not count.But this epilogue inAs You Like itdoes what epilogues are supposed to do, which is appeal to the audience for plaudits, to manage the conclusions and opinions of the spectators, and suggest a way for them to interpret what they've just seen. And on its own terms, it does just that. The play has finished. The characters have left the stage. Possibly Rosalind leaves and reenters, or possibly she never leaves. But at this point, it can be pretty sure that she is dressed and appearing as Rosalind, not as Ganymede, partly because that's the implication of the end of the scene previously, the closing scene of the play, but also because she says at the very start of this epilogue, “It is not the fashion to see the lady the / epilogue,” which wouldn't work quite as well if she was still dressed as Ganymede. Rosalind, as the epilogue, asks the men and women in the audience to “like as much of this play as please / you,” and invites them, as she curtsies and leaves the stage, to “bid me farewell,” to give a good round of applause.


But when we start unpicking the tactics, we might be rather surprised by the figure who was revealed to us on the stage. I mean, this is Rosalind, the play's heroine, who, in the previous scene, has returned to the stage, having shed her disguise as Ganymede, to marry Orlando. And she's dressed like a courtly, elite woman, a proper lady -- or is she? Like Rosalind, the Rosalind we've come to know, she presents herself, this epilogue, she stages herself as a sort of romance expert,interposing herself in the battle of the sexes to appeal to both women and men, for the respective love they bear each other, to approve of the play. And in doing so, she presents herself as an alluring figure tobothgroups, flirtatiously offering to kiss as many of the men -- does she include the women? She might do -- as she fancied: “O men, for the love you bear / to women -- as I perceive by your simpering, none / of you hates them -- that between you and the / women the play may please.”


But in the closing sentences, Rosalind makes assumptions about her gender instantly unstable. “If I were a woman,” she claims, “if I were a woman, I / would kiss as many of you as had beards that / pleased me, complexions that liked me and breaths that I defied not.” Because, of course, she isn't a woman at this point. Rosalindisa boy, not Ganymede, but the boy actor who performed the role.The epilogue, as is typical, is spoken by the artisan and not by the artwork.This is the voice of an adolescent boy actor from the Elizabethan stage, speaking with confidence and surprising sexual frankness to an audiencewhohe has just seduced.As Rosalind, the epilogue speaker finishes by saying, “And I am sure as many as have / good beards, or good faces, or sweet breaths will for / my kind offer, when I make curtsy, bid me farewell.”


We see coming together many of the lines thatAs You Like Itpresents to us as audience members, as readers of Shakespeare, as consumers of literary culture and literature, the ways in which this play deals with gender and sexual identity, and really the way the play deals with art, artistry, and theater as a construction. So in raising so many questions about performance and identity and romance and seduction and courtship, the epilogue really brings together so many of the questions and topics that makeAs You Like It so enduringly fascinating.


  • 飞弹儿妈妈


  • 暖天展翅


  • 长亭动雪


  • 长亭动雪

    所以作为淑女的Rosalindisa , 或作为牧羊男孩Ganymede的这段收场,收到了男性女性观众的双重喜爱(双性通吃)

    爱听书的Becky 回复 @长亭动雪: 哈哈,这也是我的理解

  • VC双语世界

    天呐!这是谁的演绎?!? 太动情了!中文的演绎比英文动人太多了

  • 暖天展翅


  • 暖天展翅


  • 长亭动雪


  • 长亭动雪
