【解读】哈姆莱特3 语言特色:“生存还是毁灭”

【解读】哈姆莱特3 语言特色:“生存还是毁灭”


Hamlet 3: the Language

哈姆莱特3 语言特色:“生存还是毁灭”

In the previous episode, we looked at how Shakespeare created one of the most complex and alive characters in all of literature. Part of what gives Hamlet life are the contradictions and paradoxes of his character. And these contradictions are mirrored in the different registers of speech that he uses, which reflect different ways of thinking and feeling. In this episode, we’ll break down some of Hamlet’s most important speeches to see how Shakespeare creates this sense of a living mind at work.


We’ll also explore how Shakespeare’s plays are living works of art, open to new perspectives and interpretations. In this episode, we’ll hear from both our featured scholars, Paulina Kewes and Simon Palfrey, who are both professors of English at the University of Oxford. For our first speech, you’ll hear how they find different meanings in the same words. As you listen to their discussion and to the actor’s recitation, you can also think about how the speech strikes you.


This speech comes from Claudius, Hamlet’s chief antagonist in the play: Hamlet refers to himself and Claudius as “mighty opposites.” But Claudius is fascinating in that he not only sharply contrasts with Hamlet but also mirrors him in certain ways. We’ll hear Claudius’s speech from Act One, the first time he appears on stage. His brother, King Hamlet, is dead, and Claudius is addressing the Danish court as their new king.


Claudius, 1.2.1-31, “Though yet of Hamlet … His further gait herein.”



CLAUDIUS Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother’s death


The memory be green, and that it us befitted


To bear our hearts in grief, and our whole kingdom


To be contracted in one brow of woe,


Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature


That we with wisest sorrow think on him


Together with remembrance of ourselves.


Therefore our sometime sister, now our queen,


Th’ imperial jointress to this warlike state,


Have we (as ’twere with a defeated joy,


With an auspicious and a dropping eye,


With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage,


In equal scale weighing delight and dole)


Taken to wife. Nor have we herein barred


Your better wisdoms, which have freely gone


With this affair along. For all, our thanks.


Now follows that you know. Young Fortinbras,


Holding a weak supposal of our worth


Or thinking by our late dear brother’s death


Our state to be disjoint and out of frame,


Colleaguèd with this dream of his advantage,


He hath not failed to pester us with message


Importing the surrender of those lands


Lost by his father, with all bonds of law,


To our most valiant brother—so much for him.


Now for ourself and for this time of meeting.


Thus much the business is: we have here writ


To Norway, uncle of young Fortinbras,


Who, impotent and bedrid, scarcely hears


Of this his nephew’s purpose, to suppress


His further gait herein, in that the levies,


The lists, and full proportions are all made


Out of his subject; and we here dispatch


You, good Cornelius, and you, Voltemand,


For bearers of this greeting to old Norway,


Giving to you no further personal power


To business with the King more than the scope


Of these dilated articles allow.


Claudius is a really, really interesting character. He's a sort of a consummate politician in a way. He just wants to get on with his government. But he's wracked by guilt and he cannot escape that guilt. And it's interesting the way he's written. He has a couple of the great, I think, really the greatest speeches in the play. And I think the one where he talks about “there is no shuffling there”. That one, when he's just recognizing the impossibility of fooling heaven. It's fantastic.


Claudius gives the speech about fooling heaven just after Hamlet has reenacted Claudius’s murder of his brother, as he’s struggling to repent for that murder. It’s the only soliloquy in the play from a character other than Hamlet, and it reveals interesting similarities between them: an acute self-consciousness, and a sense in each man that he can only be himself when he’s alone. In this scene, however, Claudius is not alone but addressing the full Danish court. We can interpret the form of his address in different ways.


So we have the speech of Claudius. And this is the first time Claudius speaks to his court, and this is the first time we, the audience, encounter him. He uses the royal we, our brother's death, not my brother's death, so he's very clearly the king, he is in charge here.


This particular speech is his first long speech in public, and it's a classic speech because it shows that mix of public rhetorical mastery with a kind of guilty haste or something. The crucial thing to look at here is the mixture of speaking on his behalf and on the kingdom's behalf. In a way, the most decisive thing is the pronouns, us, our, ourselves. He's talking with the royal plural, “our whole kingdom”, but at the same time, he's talking about the collective in “one brow of woe” “that we with wise sorrow think on him together with remembrance of ourselves”. And so he's purporting to speak for everybody.


But you can feel the strain in what he says, because all the time there's a kind of unresolved conflict. There's unresolved uncertainty as to whether he's speaking about his people, his nation, or is he speaking about the people here in his court right now? Is he speaking about himself as an individual who has lost a brother or is he speaking of himself as the king? All of these different identities, a kind of warring and there's a sort of whereas in a less in a king who was more assured you wouldn't have these doubts.


The warring identities include, of course, Claudius’s identity as a brother who is supposedly in mourning and as a husband who is celebrating his marriage. We find the opposed feelings of dole--or grief--and delight, which are reflected in the oppositions of his language.


When he talks about “the wisest sorrow”, when he talks about “a defeated joy”, “an auspicious and a dropping eye”, “mirth in funeral”, “dirge in marriage”, “delight and dole”, those are the sort of oxymoronic doublets. These phrases pull in different directions, defeated joy. They all speak to the sense of death, passing, mourning, and at the same time, joy, marriage, coronation. This oxymoron, this contrast, this paradoxical confusion demonstrates the sort of rhetorical prowess of Claudius. He knows how to turn a phrase.


Have we, as it were, with “a defeated of joy”, with “an auspicious and a dropping eye”, with “mirth in funeral” and with “tears in marriage” and “equal scale weighing delight and dole” “taken to wife”. Now that's a bit of a joke. It's a rhythmic joke which Shakespeare repeats in his speech, which is we get a kind of almost parodic prolixity, a kind of using too many words, playing with the proverbial wisdom, playing with paradoxes. Whenever in Shakespeare you get someone speaking in these kind of really blatant, symmetrical opposites, you know, that he's writing parodically. He's exposing somebody self-regard or exposing somebody's nervousness, “mirth in funeral”, “tears in marriage”, “delight and dole”, “auspicious and dropping eye”, always kind of these perilous opposites that are being contained. He wants to pretend that there's been an accommodation between opposites, between, say, sister and wife, or between himself and his brother, or between him as an individual and the kingdom.


He knows all the time that he holds the kingdom by a thread. And the character of Claudius is constantly insecure. He's desperately afraid of Hamlet. He's afraid of the authorities. He's afraid of the people. He's constantly aware that others may do to him what he has done to his own brother.


At the same time that Claudius may fear losing his position, he shows skillful handling of threats to his kingdom--in particular, Fortinbras’s plan to invade.


Claudia's, even as he's making military preparations, he decides to solve this problem through diplomacy. He sends an embassy to the court of Norway. And Claudius tells his ambassadors that they cannot exceed their instructions. They are supposed to do only and say only what he tells them to say. He writes to Norway and Laura here stands for the king of Norway, and he wants his ambassadors to intervene. And as we learned later, that embassy is successful. This tells you something about the kind of rulership, king-craft that Claudius practices.


Is Claudius a capable ruler? Is he a shrewd, effective diplomat or a weak and nervous politician? Is he a worse king than his brother or a better one? Shakespeare artfully allows for both possibilities in this speech.


Next is a soliloquy of Hamlet’s from Act 2, which he delivers after watching an actor perform an passionate speech about a son avenging his father’s murder. Hamlet chastises himself for not having a similar passion for his own murdered father and attempts to work himself hopping into an emotional state, concluding with a cry of, “O vengeance!” Then he begins this speech--one that gives us particular insight into how Shakespeare dramatizes the act of thinking.



Hamlet, 2.2.611-634, “Why, what an ass am I … Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King.”


HAMLET Why, what an ass am I! This is most brave,


That I, the son of a dear father murdered,


Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell,


Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words


And fall a-cursing like a very drab,


A stallion! Fie upon ’t! Foh!


About, my brains!—Hum, I have heard


That guilty creatures sitting at a play


Have, by the very cunning of the scene,


Been struck so to the soul that presently


They have proclaimed their malefactions;


For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak


With most miraculous organ. I’ll have these players


Play something like the murder of my father


Before mine uncle. I’ll observe his looks;


I’ll tent him to the quick. If he do blench,


I know my course. The spirit that I have seen


May be a devil, and the devil hath power


T’ assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps,


Out of my weakness and my melancholy,


As he is very potent with such spirits,


Abuses me to damn me. I’ll have grounds


More relative than this. The play’s the thing


Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King.


. Particularly in soliloquies, he's rehearsing possibilities. He's testing himself. He's listening to himself. He's improvising in the moment. And through that process of improvisation, he's moving all the time. And so whereas the conventional soliloquy, the speaker knows from the start of the speaking what he's going to say, where he's going to go. And he's, as it were, reporting staff that has already been thought. In Hamlet, we’ve got moment by moment thinking. We have the action of living in the moment. And so the point at which he arrives is not the point at which he departs.


And what we have is so crucial to the soliloquy are short phrases, are short units of speech. And the soliloquy was the first place where Shakespeare in his writing really broke up the line.


So traditionally what happens in Shakespeare's scripting is if you have a, say, a unit of speech which works for half a line, then that half line speech unit is inviting a response from some other character. That's the basic convention that the actor observed so far. And so the moment you get a half line or a third of a line as sort of a say, a three syllable phrase, it creates a pause. And it creates not just that, it creates the expectation or indeed the necessity of some kind of answer. So in other words, a kind of a midline break, a short a half line phrase is an intrinsically implicitly dramatic space. This particular soliloquy is absolutely jam packed with short phrases, half line or third line speech units, which are creating these dramatic, dynamic question and answer, interlocutor's dynamic within Hamlet's own mind.


“Why, what an ass am I?” Again, “this is most brave”. Now, in the first line, we have three different speech acts. “Why? What an ass am I?” this is most private notes. And so “what an ass am I?” he's immediately insulting himself, but in an exasperated way, which is already moving away from “this is most brave”, listen, to hear the sarcasm that “I, the son of a dear father murdered, prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, must look like a whore. Unpack my heart with words and for all the cursing, like a very drab”.


So what we have there is you have a short line at the start and then this escalating self-accusation, calling himself twice “a whore, a whore” and “a drab” means also a whore. And he's disgusted by his own fluency. The next lines kind of he's almost spitting out his own fluency “fire upon a foe”. And it's almost like he's always kind of viscerally getting rid of his own beautiful or authoritative language. “About my brains”, now he's having got rid of this kind of strain of false talking. He starts again. “Hum” just means he's just thinking, thinking, thinking. “I have heard and noticed” so immediately the register shifts, the rhythm shifts. “I have heard” and the line stops with that word “heard”. What is he heard? A brief pause at the end of the line, we wait for it. “That guilty creatures sitting at a play/ Have, by the very cunning of the scene/ Been struck so to the soul that presently/ They have proclaimed their malefactions/For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak/ With most miraculous organ.”


The rhythms are completely different. They're much more measured and thoughtful and slowly building than the first part of the speech, but at the same time you can see him warming up all over again. Very characteristic of Hamlet is that he has more rhythmic changes than any other character. In the sense that he moves from sort of cold to heat, to postulations, to interruption, self-interruptions, self-contradiction, moves, and again, into longer kind of periods. So if he translated Hamlet into music, it would be an extraordinary fury like Stravinsky or something, or may be extraordinarily furious. I think Hamlet is like a rapper, you know, Kendrick Lamar or something. Bang, bang, bang. He's so quick breaking up, interrupting himself.


“For murder so it have no tongue will speak with most miraculous organ” and he stops midline. Midline stop signifies a more pregnant stop and it's a stop, this is no longer in this stage of Shakespeare's career doesn't always mean that another character will enter, but it does mean that the character is going to speak or is going to switch from one thought strain, one kind of progress of thought into another. “I'll have these players play something like the murder of my father before my uncle”, a simple sentence and again, a midline stop. Pause, “I'll observe his looks”, stop. “I'll tent him to the quick”, stop. “If you do blanch”, stop, “I know my course”, stop. Very, very simple way, it's performing the old soliloquy function of telling the audience what's going to happen. But much more importantly, we have the birth of an idea in Hamlet’s mind.


He ends the speech “I'll have grounds for relatedness”. In other words, “don't take me for a fool”. And so he regenerates himself. He almost rebirths himself in the speech. And we get the classic pride of Hamlet, the sense in which he is going to be master of the situation. “The play's the thing/ Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king” and ends with a sort of triumphant rhyme. The number of shifts, the number of kind of vocal and rhythmic and elocutionist shifts in the speech are in many ways a very simple speech by Hamlet standards. Even so, it shows you a mind which is constantly hatching, hatching, hatching, hatching, and then reflecting upon that, rehearsing the idea, thinking about it. And it's kind of mini drama in its own right.


The next speech is another soliloquy of Hamlet’s. In the 1604-5 text, it occurs in Act 3 just after Polonius and Claudius decide to stage an encounter between Hamlet and Ophelia. With Claudius and Polonius concealed somewhere on stage, Hamlet gives a speech that famously ponders universal human questions, while also revealing his own unique obsessions.


Hamlet, 3.1.64-96, “To be or not to be … And lost the name of action.”


HAMLET To be or not to be—that is the question:


Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer


The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,


Or to take arms against a sea of troubles


And, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep—


No more—and by a sleep to say we end


The heartache and the thousand natural shocks


That flesh is heir to—’tis a consummation


Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep—


To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there’s the rub,


For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,


When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,


Must give us pause. There’s the respect


That makes calamity of so long life.


For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,


Th’ oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,


The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,


The insolence of office, and the spurns


That patient merit of th’ unworthy takes,


When he himself might his quietus make


With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,


To grunt and sweat under a weary life,


But that the dread of something after death,


The undiscovered country from whose bourn


No traveler returns, puzzles the will


And makes us rather bear those ills we have


Than fly to others that we know not of?


Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,


And thus the native hue of resolution


Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,


And enterprises of great pitch and moment


With this regard their currents turn awry


And lose the name of action.


The to be a not to be soliloquy is the most celebrated soliloquy in all of drama, without question, the best known, but before we even get to thinking about what it means, we have to think about what it is and what kind of speech act it is, because there are these kind of curious questions about the speech. Cut  Cut Cut Cut Is this a soliloquy? Now, a soliloquy supposedly is when a character is alone on the stage talking to him or herself, but here in this case, the character is not alone on the stage. There are other characters present on the stage with him.


And so there's a really fundamental question here about what kind of speech this is about and who Hamlet is speaking to, what Hamlet knows or doesn't know and what we in the audience know or don't know. Does Hamlet know that Polonius and Claudius are there or not? Does he find, does he realize that they're there at a certain point?


Now, just a few obvious points about the speech. It's “To be or not to be—that is the question” It goes to the heart of the play. It's a play which is all about the question, all about the idea of a question. It's a play in which the question, it's not just to live or not to live, it's to exist or not to exist. It's a play which is all about the question whether something is or is not.


The “to be or not to be” speech is clearly about the question of why we live. What he most fervently wishes for in this speech is an end to consciousness. He wants death to be oblivion, “to die, to sleep, to sleep”. And he can feel with the rhythms there, this tense longing for cessation, for an end, for quiet. Hamlet is a character who's defined by this sleepless, this is absolute sleeplessness, restlessness, a mind that never stops, a pain that never abates. He can't stop thinking and he just longs for that, he longs for a rest and he gets there these repetitions “to die, to sleep no more”, “to die, to sleep, to sleep, perchance, to dream”.


And immediately with that he, as it were, wakes up. “There's the rub/ For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,/ When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,/ Must give us pause” and he stops. The pause is halfway through the line. Time enough for a silence and a recognition that there is no rest in death because it will still be cursed by consciousness, by the consciousness which is defined by endless unanswerable questions and by endless, inescapable memory, the thing which completely haunts him. “There's the rub”.


His attitude to death epitomizes the way in which this is a play, which is in many ways all about the question of knowledge, the question of whether we can have knowledge and whether we can act upon our knowledge. Now, Hamlet, among many other things, is, as it were, the kind of classic humanist character and the character who's been hit by a sort of humanist paragon. And such a paragon should be defined by virtue, and his virtue is defined by the ability to think and then act upon his thought.


But look at this, he says, who would all this stuff, who had all of this kind of stuff, these terribly boring, miserable, unjust things, bear except “the dread of something after death”, “puzzles the will”. That doesn't mean simply makes us think what's going on leaves us kind of puzzled or incredulous, it means that the will, the ability to act is compromised. “Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,/ And thus the native hue of resolution/ Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought”. Now notice again the what the kind of distinctive nausea of Hamlet there. “The native hue of resolution/ Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought” and “cast” there doesn't just mean kind of, the type of thought. A cast is the vomit. It is imagining that thinking is a great big vomit, which is sick over resolution. And, you know, you're kind of nauseated by this. And of course when you're sick, you can't act. “And enterprise of great pitch and moment”, again, “pitch” brings in again. This pitch means heightened importance, but also a pitch is another vomit. “With this regard their currents turn awry/ And lose the name of action”. And now “action” is the crucial thing. So action doesn't simply mean killing the king. Action again is virtuous because action is defined by reason, rationality, decision by an individual in control of their movements compared to passion. 


And so this great soliloquy is fundamentally all about these questions of the ability to understand and to act on that understanding and what we do when that understanding is impossible or compromised or leads us down the track merely of this kind of circularity. So we think we understand. And then the more we understand, the more we realize we just keep repeating the trap that we already in.


This speech comes from Act 3. Gertrude has summoned Hamlet to her bedchamber to question him about his wild, and seemingly mad behavior. Hamlet takes the opportunity to berate her for marrying Claudius and, it seems, for having sexual desire.


Hamlet and Gertrude, 3.4.74-99, “Here is your husband … O Hamlet, speak no more!”


HAMLET Here is your husband, like a mildewed ear


Blasting his wholesome brother. Have you eyes?


Could you on this fair mountain leave to feed


And batten on this moor? Ha! Have you eyes?


You cannot call it love, for at your age


The heyday in the blood is tame, it’s humble


And waits upon the judgment; and what judgment


Would step from this to this? Sense sure you have,


Else could you not have motion; but sure that sense


Is apoplexed; for madness would not err,


Nor sense to ecstasy was ne’er so thralled,


But it reserved some quantity of choice


To serve in such a difference. What devil was ’t


That thus hath cozened you at hoodman-blind?


Eyes without feeling, feeling without sight,


Ears without hands or eyes, smelling sans all,


Or but a sickly part of one true sense


Could not so mope. O shame, where is thy blush?


Rebellious hell,


If thou canst mutine in a matron’s bones,


To flaming youth let virtue be as wax


And melt in her own fire. Proclaim no shame


When the compulsive ardor gives the charge,


Since frost itself as actively doth burn,


And reason panders will.


GERTRUDE O Hamlet, speak no more!


Here is Hamlet talking to his mother. And upgrading her for remarrying, for marrying Claudius.


In both productions, there are various props being used, either we see the portraits of old Hamlet and Claudius hanging on the wall or there are miniatures. I'm not sure that such a prop is necessary in many ways. The scene would be more effective if there isn't a physical representation of the two brothers because if there isn't one, then there is a better scope for imagining that Claudius and old Hamlet are not actually as different from one another as Hamlet is implying that they are.


What the speech is? It's a deeply angry, misogynistic, offensive harangue leveled by young youngish men against his mother. So he's simultaneously accusing his mother of a lack of judgment and some kind of unruly, uncontrolled, depraved passion which is immoral, which she absolutely should not have. She descends from a husband who is good and handsome in every respect for someone who is depraved, lesser. Hamlet accuses her essentially of being blind of lacking sense, of being rotten to the core. He says that something hellish is raising your rebellion in the bones of an older woman who should be respectable.


It's shameful for her to feel sexual desire, and Gertrude begs him to speak no more. It's an extraordinarily powerful sin and I'm not sure that we often appreciate how powerful, and how outrageous it is and it is certainly not the case that no older women got remarried. Even Queens when widowed could remarry. And sometimes did. It's just bringing it to the fore and couching it in the imagery, which is related to virtue, to sin, to fire, to hail, to frost. Fire is so prominent here. There is an implication that sexual desire in the female, especially an older female, is directly related to the fires of hell. It's evil. And it's to be condemned.


Another striking feature of this speech is that Hamlet is preoccupied with condemning his mother for her sexual desire when he has just accused her of another crime that we would expect to be much more serious. A few minutes earlier, when Hamlet has killed Polonius, Gertrude cries, “O, what a rash and bloody deed is this!” and Hamlet replies, “almost as bad, good mother, / As kill a king and marry with his brother”--a line which suggests that Hamlet suspects Gertrude was involved in her husband’s murder.


The question of what happened to old Hamlet is, of course, immediately there and it gets more or less answered, but it goes with something that's never answered in the play, is the guilt or otherwise of his queen, of Gertrude. Was she involved in the murder of her husband? Did she have knowledge of it? Did she have implicit knowledge of it? Did she give her tacit consent to it or not? In the very first edition of the play, in the first quarto, she does. The character of Gertrude does have knowledge of it and is guilt ridden about her complicity in the crime.


But in the two main, as it were, versions of Hamlet, the second quarto, in the Folio, those confessions and those acknowledgements vanish. And instead, we have this enigmatic sort of adjacency to a crime, from which she seems to have both suffered and benefited and we never quite know. And again, the play teases us with all these questions about. And so, again, I mean, for a play which is in so many ways harping on the question of the guilt of women, the kind of cupidity of women, the kind of sexual rapacity of women, all sort of stuff. What is Gertrude’s crime? Has she committed a crime? If she hasn't committed a crime? These sorts of questions. At almost every point in the play, every shift in the play, every sort of plot point in the play is, as it were, quite questionable.


One of my favorite points in the play is when Hamlet says to the ghost that comes in such a questionable shape, which is a perfect kind of joke, really, about the way in which the very idea of a question takes on shape, takes on body “What are you? Who are you? Where do you come from? What are you made of?” These really, really basic questions about what makes a being.


  • 冯亦慈


  • 用户5458019577


    闻阅越悦 回复 @用户5458019577: 赵光义并没有把皇位给赵匡胤的儿子……

  • Dr_MaTeddy


  • 疯狂的菠菜


    二弟三弟 回复 @疯狂的菠菜:

  • 梅珈山人


  • 文艺过


  • 八七零五


    八七零五 回复 @八七零五: 这可能也是一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特的原因之一。达里奥福说,不能反映时代精神的文艺作品是失败的。我觉得不能为大多数观众理解的作品也是失败的。因此,从这个层面上来说,哈姆雷特是失败的。

  • 旧雨常来

  • Zero2infinity

    这就是高考的意义 过度解读 连作者都不知道的解读……

  • 孙宏亮224334
