


(1)by / until

Use by for one specific event that will happen before a certain time in the future. Use until for a continuous event that will continue and then stop at a certain time in the future. 用by表示将在未来某一特定时间前发生的特定事件。until用于表示将继续并在将来某一特定时间停止的连续事件。

Please send me the information by Monday.请在周一之前把信息发给我。

He’s staying in London until the 30th. 他将在伦敦呆到30号。


(2)during / while

Both during and while mean that something happens at the same time as something else. during和while都表示某件事与另一件事同时发生。

Use during + noun. 使用during +名词。

She cried during the movie.她看电影时哭了。

Use while + subject + verb, or while + gerund.

She cried while she was watching the movie. She cried while watching the movie.

使用while +主语+动词,或while +动名词。


(3)from... to / till / until

We use from + to / till / until to define the beginning and end of a time period. 我们用from + to / till / until来定义一个时间段的开始和结束。

The museum is open from 8 AM to 4 PM. 博物馆开放时间是上午8点到下午4点。

Jack will be on vacation from tomorrow until next Friday. 杰克将从明天到下星期五休假。

I studied English from 2001 till 2004. 我从2001年到2004年学习英语。

(4)past / to

We can use these prepositions with minutes in relation to the hour:

• 3:50 = Ten to four• 6:15 = fifteen past six (after: fifteen after six)

