9.30 英音朗读版

9.30 英音朗读版

  • 挖胡萝卜的兔

    The only thing you really have in your life is time. If you invest that time in yourself to have great experiences that are going to enrich you. Then you can't possibly lose.

  • Janemay116

    The only thing you really have in your life is time, if you invest the time in yourself to have great experiences that are gonna enrich you that you can't possibly lose.

  • Iam_ALEYNA

    Day4859.30The only thing you really have in your life is time. If you invest that time in yourself to have great experiences that are gonna enrich you, then you can't possibly lose.你生命中真正拥有的唯一的事是时间,如果投入时间去获得大量的经验来丰富你,然后你将不可能失败。

  • 贪吃的爱睡觉de阿木

    Day2 The only thing you really have in your life is time. If you invest that time in yourself to have great experiences that are gonna enrich you, then you can't possibly lose. 你生命中真正拥有的唯一的事是时间,如果投入时间去获得大量的经验来丰富你,然后你将不可能失败。