Cities and Memory 3.
In vain徒劳的, great-hearted 宽宏大量Kublai, shall I attempt to describe Zaira, city of high bastions[ˈbæstʃənz]堡垒. I could tell you how many steps make up the streets rising like stairways[ˈstɛrˌweɪz] 阶梯, and the degree of thearcades' curves拱廊曲线, and what kind of zinc scales cover the roofs; but I already know this would be the same as telling you nothing.
The city does not consist of this, but of relationships between the measurements [ˈmɛʒərmənts] 度量of its space and the events of its past: the height of a lamppost[ˈlæmpˌpoʊst] 路灯柱 and the distance from the ground of a hanged usurper's [juːˈzɜːrpər] 篡位者 swaying[ˈsweɪɪŋ]摇晃 feet; the line strung from the lamppost to the railing [ˈreɪlɪŋ]金属栏杆 opposite and the festoons [feˈstuːnz] 张灯结彩 that decorate[ˈdekəreɪt]装饰 the course of the queen's nuptial [ˈnʌpʃl]婚礼 procession [prəˈseʃn]队列; the height of that railing and the leap [liːp]跳跃 of the adulterer [əˈdʌltərər] 奸夫 who climbed over it at dawn; the tilt [tɪlt]倾斜 of a guttering [ˈɡʌtərɪŋ]檐槽and a cat's progress along it as he slips into the same window; thefiring range有效射程 of a gunboat炮艇 which has suddenly appeared beyond the cape [keɪp]海峡 and the bomb that destroys the guttering; the rips撕裂 in the fish net and the three old men seated on the dock[dɑːk] 码头 mending nets and telling each other for the hundredth time the story of the gunboat of the usurper, who some say was the queen's illegitimate [ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəmət]私生的 son, abandoned in his swaddling [ˈswɑːdlɪŋ]包裹(婴儿)的 clothes there on the dock.
构成这座城市的并非这些,而是其空间度量与历史事件之间的关系:灯柱的高度,与被绞死的篡位者摆动的脚离地面的距离;系在灯柱与对面铁栅栏之间的绳索,是如何在女王大婚游行时张灯结彩的;栅栏有多高,偷情的男子又是如何 在黎明时分艰难的跃起并爬过它;檐槽的斜度,与一只猫 怎样沿着它走过并滑进同一扇窗户的;突然在海峡外出现的炮艇射程有多远,与炮弹是怎样轰掉檐槽的;鱼网的裂口,与码头上的三个老人怎样一面补网一面第一百次说起篡位者的故事,有人说他是女王的私生子,在襁褓时就给遗弃在这码头上。
As this wave from memories flows in, the city soaks it up like a sponge [spʌndʒ]海绵 and expands. A description of Zaira as it is today should contain all of Zaira's past. The city, however, does not tell its past, but contains it like the lines of a hand, written in the corners of the streets, the gratings[ˈgreɪtɪŋz] 格栅 of the windows, the banisters[ˈbænɪstərz]扶手 of the steps, the antennae [ænˈtɛni]触须 ofthe lightning rods避雷针, the poles [poʊlz]杆子 of the flags, every segment段、部分 marked in turn with scratches [ˈskrætʃɪz]划痕, indentations[ɪnˌdɛnˈteɪʃənz]凹痕, scrolls[skroʊlz]卷轴 .
灰姑娘的猫 回复 @月半爱德华: 嗯嗯,我也喜欢那段,像一个长镜头,从绞死的篡位者开始,延展开一个个环环相扣的情节,最终又回到篡位者,形成一个闭环,很精巧的设计!