Beth learned of her mother’s death from a woman with a clipboard. The next day her picture appeared in the Herald-Leader. The photograph, taken on the porch of the gray house on Maplewood Drive, showed Beth in a simple cotton frock. Even then, she was clearly plain. A legend under the picture read: “Orphaned by yesterday’s pile-up on New Circle Road, Elizabeth Harmon surveys a troubled future. Elizabeth, eight, was left without family by the crash, which killed two and injured others. At home alone at the time, Elizabeth learned of the accident shortly before the photo was taken. She will be well looked after, authorities say.”... ...
怎么说呢 这个声音毫无起伏和感情的感觉内容挺不错的 和剧集内容一样
书阅读书 回复 @小羊吃紫菜: 很感谢您可以发表自己的看法~这本书的播者Amy Landon也是一位职业的演员及故事讲解人,她的个人风格比较趋近于平缓的讲述;不过如果您觉得听起来不过过瘾 可以关注我们的主播号,我们还会逐步上架一些新的畅销有声内容哦~会有更多风格的讲解员,还会有美式英式不同的口音~
书阅读书 回复 @1564471fnes: 关注我们的账号 还会有更多优秀的原版有声书哦~
书阅读书 回复 @小米花朵朵: 这部美剧当时小编也有追着看呢,看女主下棋“打遍天下”属实是年度爽剧。不过原著里也有很多细节,值得回味
书阅读书 回复 @蛋仔KAWAII: 的确是没有文字呢,如果友友觉得直接听对于剧情理解有难度的话最好的方式是先找出一个章节反复跟读,这样对于听力提升的帮助非常大呢