The Popular Kids

The Popular Kids


Today we talk about social pressures growing up, parenting, the popular kids in school, American pop culture and its influence on our values and behaviors, we share some adolescent experiences, the impact of travel and relocating during our childhood and we get worked up over the new Matrix trailer.

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Instagram: thehonestdrink_

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  • 听友248094108


    THD小酒馆 回复 @听友248094108: 😆😆😆😆😆😆

  • 小杨ey

    Every time I listen to you guys,I’m amazed how authentic and even vulnerable you are. And that makes your sharing so much more relevant,awakens me to open up more. special thanks to Aric for being so true about your upbring.,and you don’t get defensive when the other two rip on you. Love you guys!

  • 槿旋

    I moved alot during my childhood. The biggest movw was when we moved from china to Canada when I was 10. Then we moved several times until we bought a house in my first year of high school. But now I moved back to China again haha, who wouldve known!

    华未央瑜伽 回复 @槿旋: So which city are you living in?

  • 太空的人

    1) you ever have identity crisis as Asian American? When did you start to embrace your root and why? 2) did u get bully because of racism? 3) how old are you hahaha 4) I wonder what kind of beauty standard you guys have? Talking about superficial standards.. Any Asian celebrity as example?

  • SIEBen7

    hahahahh good show

  • 小Betsi

    Thank you for mentioning my comments about Departure in the WeChat group and you guys have made this topic much more meaningful and interesting. I just want to say Thank you and I love this podcast!

  • 逐阳光而居


  • qzuser_UbWT


    华未央瑜伽 回复 @qzuser_UbWT: 那你讨厌钱吗

  • Adelabby

    Really great and interesting content, thanks for sharing

  • 筠竹_14

    My son is 14 now. Whenever he appears childish, we would say something like: you know, in ancient times, you would have been a father at the age of 14!!!