



Q: A woman is calling on the phone to reserve tickets for a play. Which two seats did she get?

M: Hello, this is Blackfriars Playhouse. Can I help you?
W: I'd like to get two tickets for "King Lear" at 5:30 this evening. Do you still have any tickets available?
M: We do have a few seats left, but I'm sorry to say we don't have any next to each other. If you don't mind though, we can get you two seats separately.
W: Okay, we don't mind. 
M: Do you have any particular requests?
W: Well, do you have any aisle seats?
M: Yes, we have an aisle seat at the left side of the center section, and to the right of it, three seats over, we have another free seat.
W: To the side? Okay, then please book that aisle seat.
M: Certainly. How about the other one? 
W: Do you have any seats near the center?
M: The only Center seats we have left are from the first row to the third row.
W: I'm not too crazy about having actors spit on me, so... 
M: This room is relatively small and I think you could enjoy the play even at the end of the row on the side.
W: Is that so? Then I'll take the one you mentioned before on the left side.

Q: Which two seats did she get?

问: 一位女士正在打电话预定戏剧的票。她最后订了哪两个座位?

男: 您好,这里是黑衣修士剧场。我能帮您吗?
女: 我想买两张今晚五点半的《李尔王》的票。你们还有票吗?
男: 我们确实还有一些空座,但是很遗憾,我们没有相邻座位的票了。如果您不介意的话,我们可以给您两个分开的座位。
女: 可以的,我们不介意。
男: 您有什么特别的要求吗?
女: 嗯,你们有靠近过道的座位吗?
男: 有的,我们有一个靠近过道的座位,在中间区左边,在右边三个座位,我们还有一个空座位。
女: 不在中间?好的,那就订靠近过道的座位。
男: 可以。那另一个呢?
女: 你们有靠近中心的座位吗?
男: 我们只剩下第一排到第三排的中间座位了。
女: 我不太喜欢演员表演时的唾沫星子,所以……
男: 这个房间比较小,即使在最后一排的边上,也不影响您看戏。
女: 是吗?那我就选你之前提到的左边那个座位。

问: 她最后订了哪两个座位?


reserve /rɪ'zɜːv/

v. 预订,订购

playhouse /'pleɪhaʊs/

n. 剧场,剧院

King Lear


available /ə'veɪləbəl/

adj. 可订购的

next to each other


separately /'sepəritli/

adv. 分开地

particular /pə'tɪkjʊlə/

adj. 特殊的,特别的

request /rɪ'kwest/

n. 需求

aisle /aɪl/

n. 过道

center section


be crazy about


relatively /'relətɪvlɪ/


play /pleɪ/

n. 剧

